2, the spring wind blows, and the wife is returning to normal. Affection is very silk red bean room, feeling very strong; Zi is willing to live, but he is modest and willing to marry a female poem. He invites friends, and even gourmets get drunk.
3, the bride and groom get married, and the method of being a man has long existed; The first child will have two children crawling with their feet in their hands.
4. I'm glad that it's close to Lapras, and the peach blossoms are full. Draw peacocks in the class and embroider curtains in the pavilion to hide hibiscus; The incense of the stove is touching the ring, the wind around the mirror, the wine is drunk, the blue yarn is red, and the music is quiet.
5, fish and water for thousands of years, Lan Zhi Baishixin; Good luck, courtesy and civilization; The piano plays elegant music, and the couple respect each other as guests; Poetry is sung in return, and Changchun is good; Qi Xin made concerted efforts, pioneered and innovated, and made contributions to the four modernizations.
6. Since then, we have become one in the world, and happiness has lasted for thousands of years.
7. Raise the cup of love with one heart and cross the river of love with Germany.
8. I am ecstatic to return, and the jade people worship Huatang and cross the bridge. I have my own article to warn the universe. I accompany Dai Dai to the boudoir. After a hundred years of marriage, I know that tenderness is my hometown.
9, this night, new clothes are made, all kinds of dresses are fragrant, and the clouds will forget the old. I think marriage can go smoothly; Although the husband is a daughter-in-law, he is not a writer of this world. He sends a message to the younger generation of this world that he is guilty of discriminating against Weng Gu.
10, I hope to look back and grow old with affection.
1 1, the shadow of the silver toad is unusual; The wind sent new makeup out of the painting hall, but the bosom friend did not sing, and my husband had a bright future.
12, a harmonious life is full of joy.
13, the wedding was held in spring, and the front was completely lost before the wedding. Meng Liang is still a new family, and Fan Liu is more attractive than the old one. The hibiscus account adds luster, and the jade continues to warm. Luan Xianyun sang a duet, and the binary star crossed the Milky Way again today.