How to understand the poem in Star Trek, don't walk into that beautiful night gently.

Author: Xiao Yi

Source: Zhihu.

StarCraft and StarCraft Apocalypse repeatedly quoted Dylan Marles Thomas' poems.

Don't walk gently into the good night,

Don't walk lightly into that beautiful night. Don't just sit back and wait. At first, I thought the translation in the film was not appropriate enough. Although concise and forceful, it is also quite chilling, not faithful to the original text, and gentleness and kindness are not reflected.

Now that I think about it, it's really wonderful. The action of "I" walking into the night (time) becomes the direction of "I" at night, and the aging of people has evolved into a kind of hunting for people by time, which is integrated with the film. Art exists for interpretation, and time is eternal and insurmountable. Even in the face of the invincible king of gods "time", the strength shown by life (I) has a heroic spirit, although thousands of people have gone. However, gental and good are still not well reflected. After sitting all night, I can hardly get in touch with gental, and the good meaning has disappeared. I'm really obsessed. I attach a bad translation, don't be like a frog wandering in warm water, hahaha ~

PS: The change from day to night, the sun and the moon, even the stars, are not only simple symbols in poetry, but also the yardstick of time and the divinity of this mysterious religion of poetry. Together with the sea, sky and stars, they created the pantheon of poetry, in which Zeus is time and life is Hera. Every human who breaks into the temple by mistake is like Prometheus who stole half the fire, bringing the language of God to the world, and thus bearing the curse of eternal robbery.

PS of PS: In fact, my favorite sentence is the third sentence, rage, anger at the imminent demise of the light. Anger, anger at the disappearance of light.