French suite
I hope someone is waiting for me somewhere. Twenty years later, in three musketeers, the people wearing armored masks will be albert camus, Plague, Jean Giono, the hussars on the roof, Fran?oise Sagan, Hello, Sorrow, a Rob Gerye, Eraser, Raymond Quino, subway girls Zaji, Marguerite Yourcenar, Mel, Le Clezio, the stars of war and wandering, marguerite duras, and lovers. Amos oz is my Michelle. E.P. remarque's Arc de Triomphe, Gunter grass's tin drum, SiegfriedLenz's German class, and Patrick Sü Skind's perfume. Max Frish's The Capable Faber. Lampedusa's Leopard, Weng Botao's Echo, The Name of the Rose, italo calvino's Traveler on a Winter Night, Pirandello's Forgotten Mask, Deleda's Reed in the Wind, Malerba's Snake, Buzzatti's Magic Clothes, and Xi nikos Kazandzakis's The Last Temptation of Christ. Milorad Pavi Hazare Dictionary, Czech Republic. Bohumil hrabal's "Too Noisy Loneliness". Chronicle of monasteries in José Saramago