How Psalm 141 is shared

Psalm 141 of the Bible is a psalm of David, one to ten lines, shared as follows:

141:1 I have called to you, O LORD, come quickly I'm here! May you pay attention to my voice when I call on you!

141:2 Let my prayers be laid before you like incense; let my prayers be raised up like an evening sacrifice.

141:3 O Lord, stop my mouth and guard my mouth.

141:4 Do not let me turn my heart toward evil, so that I may do evil with those who work iniquity; nor let me eat their delicacies.

141:5 Let the righteous smite me, and it is a mercy; let him rebuke me, and it is anointing on my head, and let not my head be turned away.

While they are doing evil, I still have to pray.

141:6 Their judge was thrown under the rock. Everyone must listen to my words, for they are sweet.

141:7 Our bones are scattered beside the tomb like clods of earth from a plow.

141:8 O Lord God, my eyes are on you, and I take refuge in you - do not leave me alone.

141:9 Protect me from the snares that the wicked have set for me and from the snares of the workers of iniquity.

141:10 May the wicked fall into his own net, but I may escape.