The whole poem is as follows: Wang Zhuolou disembarked from Yizhou, and the imperial ghost has languished in Nanjing. The long Zhang Qian chain sank to the bottom of the river, and a flag was lowered on the stone wall. How many sad past in life, the mountains still remain cold. Since then, the world has belonged to one another, and rushes are whistling in the old base.
First, write with reality, which cannot describe the desolation of the world. After the Anshi Rebellion, the political situation in the Tang Dynasty became more and more turbulent and the country was in jeopardy. The only loyal minister of the court began to plan reforms, and Liu Yuxi naturally participated. However, like most reformists in history, their reforms failed, and Liu Yuxi's political career also went to relegation. He is not depressed, but still faces it positively. However, the traitor angered him and he was relegated to the capital. The frustration of his official career and the successive death of his mother and good friend Liu Zongyuan made Liu Yuxi full of worries. On his way to Anhui to take office, he passed by Mount Cisse, thinking about the war that happened here in those years. Writing this song is known as? The nostalgic swan song of the Tang Dynasty? The old days of Xibao Mountain.
Second, times have changed, and I can't finish writing Time flies. The shock brought by two words of bow tie cannot be simply stated. Liu Yuxi is used to the changes in the world. He clearly realized that in the face of the long river of history, the crowds coming and going, and the change of dynasties, even if people repeatedly reminisce about the past, the passage of time will not stop, and mountains and rivers still exist. In the vast history, we are just a little dust.
Third, the home country is uneasy and unclear about the inner complexity. In fact, Liu Yuxi wants to warn the current authorities that even if they fight for more rights, they will eventually disappear like the overlords who claim to be the king and the emperor in history, and they will not survive like Cisai Mountain. In the face of the decline of his home country, he wanted to warn him through this poem, but because of the current situation, he could not tell the truth, which was really sad.
This is Liu Yuxi, who has great ambitions for the country, but has been in turmoil all his life.