When did China's gentleman spirit and the western sage, knight and gentleman spirit first appear, the west or the east? There must be evidence.

Gentlemen appeared in China at least a few hundred years before BC. At least I know that there is a saying in the Book of Changes called "A gentleman strives for self-improvement".

Saints didn't exist until after the appearance of Christianity, that is, after A.D., Jesus' birthday was called Christmas, which is theoretically the early year of A.D., but due to the calculation error of the western calendar, Jesus was actually born around five years BC (which is also controversial), and Jesus didn't begin to preach the Dharma until he was in his thirties. The earliest saints were the twelve disciples, who became saints after their death, that is to say, saints did not exist until several decades after AD ... As for knights, especially gentlemen, it was even later.

My humble opinion is for reference only.