Introduction of Russian red vegetable soup

Russian red vegetable soup is Borsh in English and борщ in Russian. It is a soup with red vegetables as the main material, which retains the basic color and taste of red vegetables. борщ or Borsh in English actually has various practices and dishes in Eastern Europe. It is generally believed that red cabbage soup originated in Ukraine and is a widely popular soup form in Eastern Europe. Besides Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, red vegetable soup is also very popular in Romania, Slovakia, Moldova and other eastern European countries. In the first half of the 20th century, a large number of Russians lived in Shanghai, and they also brought the practice of red vegetable soup to Shanghai. However, it should be pointed out that this Chinese dish called "Luo Songtang" is actually a China variety of Russian red cabbage soup. Russian English is Russian, so Shanghai literati transliterated Tang from Russia as "". The so-called Luo Songtang is often drunk by Russos (Russians), so it is called Luo Songtang.