Wang Dan was born in Shenxian County, a famous mansion. Wang Dan served the widow courteously and was very affectionate with his younger brother Wang Xu. His family has never seen him angry and his diet is not clean. He just won't eat. He tried to put a little ink into the broth, but Wang Dan only ate it. He asked him why he didn't eat the broth and said, "I don't like meat occasionally." Later, he put ink into his rice and said, "I don't want to eat it today."
Wang Dan didn't buy a farmhouse, saying that "children and grandchildren should stand on their own feet, not to mention the first house in the field. This is just their injustice in competing for property." Wang Dan was seriously ill and warned his children: "My family is famous for its virtue, so we should be frugal and conservative, not too extravagant. Don't be buried in a thick burial, put gold treasures in the coffin. "
Original text:
Zi Ming is a famous man. Widowed and polite, she is friendly to her brother. His family has never seen him angry and his diet is not clean, but he doesn't eat. Try to throw a little ink into the soup, and the child can only eat it. Asked why he didn't drink soup, he said, "I don't like meat occasionally." Later, he wrote about his rice and said, "I don't like rice today, but I can bring porridge."
Zi Ming didn't give up the farm house. He said, "Children and grandchildren should support themselves. Why buy a farm house? It is unjust to fight for money. " Zi Ming was very ill. He warned his children, "My family is famous for its virtue. We should be frugal and conservative. We should not be extravagant. Don't bury the gold treasure in a coffin. "
(Excerpted from Tuotuo in Yuan Dynasty, Arutu's History of Song Dynasty, etc. )
Introduction to the protagonist of the work:
Wang Dan:
Wang Dan (957-1017-10-2), whose name is clear. Shen County, Daming Prefecture (now Shen County, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province). A famous minister in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the son of Wang Hu, assistant minister of the Ministry of War.
In 1980, Wang Dan became a scholar and edited Wen Yuan Hua Ying as a writer, making officials familiar with the Privy Council and participating in political affairs. He was authorized to stay in Tokyo during the battle of Zen Temple. Jingdezhen three years (1006), visited the prime minister and supervised the history of the two dynasties.
He is good at recognizing people, recommending and valuing people, and urges Zhenzong to follow the law of ancestors and be cautious in seeking change. He was in power for 18 years and 12 years, and he was deeply trusted by Shinto Sect. However, under the persuasion of Wang Qinruo, it failed to stop the true Sect of the book, which was criticized by later generations. In his later years, he repeatedly asked to abdicate, and finally stopped because of illness. He took Qiu's palm and led Yu Qing to the palace envoys.
Tianxi first year (10 17), died in 6 1 year. He was named a surname, senior secretary and intermediate secretary, Wei Guogong and posthumous title as "Zheng Wen". In the first year of Ganxing (1022), he was named the true ancestral temple, and Song Renzong wrote a tablet for him entitled "the elder of all Germany". Song Lizong is one of the 24 outstanding figures in Zhao Xun Pavilion. Twenty volumes of collected works have been lost. His works are included in Quan Song's Poems and Complete Works.