In 56 BC1year, Wang Shoumeng died of serious illness. Because of Ji Zha's talent, he wanted to pass it on to him. Ji Zha refused to accept this courtesy, saying, "This is an ancient etiquette system. We can't abolish the ritual system of the former king because of the love between father and son. " So Shou wet dream ordered: "Brothers are brothers and sisters, and they are handed down in turn." He thinks the throne will pass to Ji Zha.
After the death of Shoumeng, Zhu Fan, the eldest son, succeeded to the throne and gave way to Ji Zha after the mourning period. Ji Zha refused to accept his words and gave up his royal life to farm in Shunke Mountain (now Jiao Xishun crossed the mountain). Zhu Fan came to power in 13. Before his death, he passed his decree to his younger brother Yu Ji and then to Ji Zha, but Ji Zha still refused. Finally, Yu Mei's son succeeded him as Wu Wangliao.
Ji Zha is an outstanding diplomat. In the winter of 485 BC, the famous commander-in-chief of Chu attacked Chen Guo, and the prince of Wu sent Ji Zha to save Chen Guo. It is rumored that Ji Zha has clearly expressed his anti-war attitude to A Zi. Through the mediation of Giza, a war was pacified. In 544 BC, Ji Zha was ordered to go to Lu, Qi, Zheng, Wei and Jin. During this diplomatic activity, he called on Yan Ying, the son of Zheng, and important politicians of Lu, Wei and Jin, talked about political affairs and commented on the current situation, which made the Central Plains countries have a good understanding and communication with Wu.
Ji Zha is also a brilliant literary critic. In 544 BC, he was ordered to associate with the northern governors and enjoy the classical music, poetry and dance of the Zhou Dynasty in Lu. He made an incisive analysis and evaluation on the spot in combination with the political background of the society at that time. For example, after enjoying Qin Feng, he said, "This is a good voice of China. If you can be from China, you will be strong. If you are strong enough, you will reach the peak of the Zhou Dynasty! " It is true that he can predict the future of Qin from music.
Ji Zha values faith. After Guo Xushi, the monarch of Guo Xu was so envious of the sword he was wearing that it was difficult to ask for it. Ji Zha had to visit other countries for his own reasons, so he gave it to him at that time. When Xu Shiguo came back from the mission, Xu Jun was already dead. Ji Zha generously took off his sword and hung it on a pine tree next to Xu Jun's tomb. The waiters are confused. He said: I have promised to give the sword to Xu Jun in my heart. Can I go against my will because prosthodontic is dead? This matter has been passed down as a beautiful talk for generations.
According to Chunqiu, in 485 BC, Ji Zha died and was buried in the southwest of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Later generations built the ji zi Temple next to the mausoleum and erected a monument in front of it. It is said that the inscription, alas, is the tomb of a gentleman in Wu Yanling, and the ancient seal script 10 was written by Confucius. Today, the seat of Shengang Middle School is the original site of ji zi Temple, and the tall wall of ji zi's tomb still stands on the west bank of the ancient Shenpu River.
Ji Zha was sealed in Yanling (present-day Changzhou) and was called the son of Yanling in history. The tomb is located in Jiangyin Shenpu (now Shengang). There is a cross seal tablet which is said to have been written by Confucius in front of the tomb. The inscription reads: "Wu Yanling has Ji Zi's Tomb", which is called the Cross Monument in history.
Wu Tomb is located in Shengang Middle School in the southwest corner of Shengang Town, Jiangyin. There is a note in Historical Records of Empress Wu: "The Yan Mausoleum is located in ji yang Township, Piling County." "Yue Jue Shu" says: "ji zi's tomb was called Yanling Ruins in ancient times." "Tales on Earth" contains: "Ji Zi's tomb is 70 miles north of Jinling County, with a divine spectrum in the west." Ji Zi Temple was built to offer sacrifices to statues. There are 10 ancient seal tombstones handed down by Confucius in the temple, with the inscription "Alas, this is the tomb of Wu Yanling gentlemen". Known as the "cross monument". Destroyed by soldiers at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War. The rubbings are 2.26 meters high and 0.93 meters wide. The existing tomb pier is 4 meters high and covers an area of 2,694 square meters.