Appreciation of Wang Moshu's Biography Translation


Wang Wei is from Mozi and Taiyuan. I can write poetry at the age of nine. Especially good at cursive script and official script, proficient in temperament. Wang Qi attaches great importance to him. Wang Wei is about to take the imperial examination. Wang Qi said to him, "Your poems are both beautiful and vulgar. You can copy some poems and compose a new song with the pipa. Let's go to nine princess House together. "

Wang Wei did as Wang Qi said. On this day, several performers gathered around Wang Wei to solo a new tune. Nine princess asked what the title was, and Wang Wei replied, "This is Yu Lunbao." Wang Wei then took out his poems.

Nine princess said, "These are poems that I often read. I thought it was an ancient work, but it was your masterpiece! " So I asked Wang Wei to sit down and said, "It is the honor of Beijing to get this scholar!"

Nine princess therefore fully recommended Wang Wei. In the 19th year of Kaiyuan, Wang Wei won the top prize, was promoted to the right, and was soon promoted to the full-time position. The rebels captured Chang 'an Luoyang and the emperor fled. Wang Wei followed the escort, fell behind during the trip and was captured by the rebels.

He took medicine and pretended not to talk, but An Lushan cherished his talent. He was still forced to hold his original post in Luoyang, one of the two capitals, and was detained in Pusi Temple. The rebel army held a banquet in Ningbichi and called all the musicians in the Liyuan to play various instrumental music.

Wang Wei mourned and wrote a poem: "Every family is sad and gives birth to wild smoke. When will the officials return to the sky? " In autumn, Sophora japonica falls into the palace and plays orchestral strings in the pool. "Read poetry where the emperor lives.

After the rebellion was put down, the court condemned anyone who held a false position among the rebels. The emperor didn't know what Wang Wei showed in the poem "Ningbichi" and was spared. Later, Wang Wei went to Shangshu Youcheng as an official.

Wang Wei's poems are among the best, so are his paintings. As for (Wang Wei's) landscape (painting), the profound artistic conception, the situation of clouds and the color of rocks are all made by his outstanding talents, not learned by others.

He once wrote a poem: "Contemporary absurd poets should be painters." Later generations commented on Wang Wei's "painting in poetry and poetry in painting", which is true. A guest showed Wang Wei Le Tu, and Wang Wei said, "This is the first shot of the third stack of Nishang."

As soon as the guest compares the original tune, it is indeed like this. In his later years, Wang Wei believed in Buddhism, ate vegetables and wore simple clothes for a long time, and never married after his death. He lived alone for 30 years. Wang Wei's villa is in Wangchuan, south of Lantian County, opposite the pavilion.

Wang Wei once described the scenery and peculiar scenery there. Every day, together with Qiu Wei, Pei Di, Cui Xingzong and other literati, he sang poems, played the piano and drank wine, which made him happy. Later, I went to the table and asked to change my house into a Buddhist temple.

Before I died, I wrote a letter to say goodbye to my relatives and friends, stopped writing and sat down. Dai Zong found Wang Wei's articles, and his younger brother Wang Jin compiled his poems into ten volumes and dedicated them to the emperor. His poems have been handed down to this day.

Original text:

The word Wei is from Taiyuan. When I was nine years old, I learned about my resignation. Working on the grass, leisure music. Qi Wang worships it. Jiang Wei responded, and Wang Qi said: "Those who are clear in poetry can record several songs, and new sounds can be played on the pipa, which is the same as that of nine princess."

Wei is as he said. On that day, performing a solo with Wei, the master asked him his name and said, "I'm talking about guns." Because of poetry. The Lord said, "I am used to irony, saying that it is an ancient work, but it is a good work." Yan Yu sat at the table and said, "Jing Zhao is honored to have this life!" I highly recommend it.

In the 19th year of Kaiyuan, the top scholar and Zhuo You picked up the remains and moved to China. The thief was trapped in two cities, but he was lucky enough to drive out. Hu Wei is not as good as him. He was caught. He took medicine and said he was ill. Lushan loved talent, forced him to take up his old post in Luoyang and was detained in Pushi Temple.

The thief gave a banquet in Ningbichi and asked all the workers in the pear garden to join in the fun. He mourned and wrote a poem saying, "When are all families sad and have wild smoke?" In autumn, Sophora japonica falls into the palace and plays orchestral strings in the pool. "Poetry is heard and done. After the thief made peace, those who granted false officials were all convicted and were free from self-reliance. You Cheng, the official to Shangshu.

Uyghur poetry is wonderful, so is painting thinking. As far as mountains and rivers are concerned, clouds are full of stone colors, which are created by cats and cannot be learned. I am a poet: "Contemporary poets should be painters." Later generations commented that "there is a picture in poetry and a poem in painting", which is true.

A guest who showed the dimension through a "music map" said, "The third stack of" Nishang "was originally shot." Yes, it is. Dedication, Buddha worship, vegetarian food, widowed, no longer married, living alone for 30 years. The villa is located in South Wang Chuan, Lantian County, facing the pavilion.

Savor and write about its scenery, visit and write poems with Japanese scribes Qiu Wei, Pei Di and Cui Xingzong, and enjoy the piano and bottles. Please leave your house as a temple for the back table. On his deathbed, he wrote a book, bid farewell to his relatives and friends, and stopped writing. The article about Dai Zong's visit to Victoria and his younger brother's poems have been published in ten volumes, which have been passed down to this day.

Extended data:

Wang Wei's literary achievements;

Wang Wei's landscape poems are about structural pictures, which make them rich in layers, far and near, even dynamic and static, with good sound and color, more dynamic and musical beauty, long lens close-up, looking up and down, cold and warm colors, human voice and underwater sound, which fully combines the beauty of painting, music and poetry.

Wang Shanshui's poems are characterized by quiet humanity. The remoteness of verve is the soul of painting in Wang Wei's poems. Wang Wei's landscape poems are picturesque, and many of them are full of affection.

Many of Wang Wei's landscape poems are full of strong local flavor and life interest, showing his leisurely life and quiet state of mind.

Wang Wei's love writing also talks about the separation of lovesickness and the care and comfort between friends. In Wang Wei's poems, scenery is used to express feelings, and scenery is used to set off feelings, which makes his scenery memorable and lyrical. Natural, subtle and unforgettable.

The beauty of Wang Wei's love writing lies in his simple and popular description of the real scene, which contains deep and graceful feelings. One of his "Acacia", with a small red bean, is a classic of "Acacia".

Baidu encyclopedia-Wang weichuan

Baidu Encyclopedia-Wang Wei