The allusion in Tufu of the Duke of Zhou: Historical Records of the Duke of Lu: "The Duke of Zhou said to the police,' I am the son of the King of Wen, my brother, my uncle who became a king, and the sky is not cheap. But I am afraid of losing the sages of the world, because I have grabbed my hair, vomited and fed, and waited for scholars. If you are a child, be careful not to be proud of your country. ""hello, with food in your mouth. It means that when you wash your hair, you tie it many times and don't wash it. Vomiting food many times while eating, stopping eating and eager to welcome guests. Later, in order to attract talents, he used the metaphor of "Duke of Zhou vomited food" to worry that he was too busy. Describing corporal as virtuous and eager for talents. Later, it was regarded as the standard for incumbents and current scholars.