In autumn, flat bean flowers fall and lentils grow. Wang Lao picked a few catties and sent them to the front room. When he knocked at the door, he was taken aback and saw that the male host was five big and three thick and had a scar on his face. When I met Wang Lao, the host said, can you send me a picture of flat tofu brain? Wang immediately promised to go home and choose the best one for him. Later, a neighbor said to Wang Lao: You really ate the courage of a leopard and dared to cover his window tightly? He is a local local strongman. He spent 10 years in prison, and everyone was afraid of him-but he was very kind to Mr. Wang. When I meet him at the window, he will definitely send a kind smile. Flat tofu pudding has been posted in a conspicuous place in his home.
Nie Luda, a famous Chilean poet, studied in Santiago. One day, in a pub, two hooligans had a big fight, and Nie Luda came forward to comfort them. The fists of both sides in the fierce battle hit the nosy Nie Luda at the same time. Where can a weak poet stand a rogue's fist? But ... a wonderful scene appeared: the raised fist slowly fell, released into a palm, and slowly and hesitantly reached out to Nie Luda: "Are you Nie Luda?" The poet nodded. The rogue's eyes lit up and he was very surprised and said, My favorite woman loves your poems the most. He stared at Nie Luda, eyes no longer fierce and ferocious, but full of piety and respect. Nie Luda shook his hand and said humorously, "You are defeated by poetry." .
Of course, Wang Zengqi can't beat local strongmen, and Nie Luda can't beat hooligans. What makes our writers and poets turn defeat into victory? It is the power of poetry, the power of art and the purest beauty and love in the world. Everyone has an instinctive yearning for beauty and love, and he may not even know it-there will always be a flat bean flower blooming in the most secret corner of people's hearts. (1) Wang Zengqi meets the requirements of soil snakes, thus making Wang Zengqi live in harmony with the five big and three thick soil snakes. (2) Nie Luda kindly persuaded the fight; (3) It's up to you.