Ask Nokia mobile phone music score! ! ! !

8g 1 8a 1 8b 1 8g 1 8g 1 8b 1 8g 1 8b 1 8d 2 8g 2 16 E2 16 D2 16 D2 16 C2 8b 1 8g 65438

The most familiar stranger in Nokia's ringtone song spectrum

2832399 188234594849384938 129928832399 186548493849384938299 188 19*78**655(3)965859585459692883434 199* 688** 19* 28(2)99 1*23383938493839328( 1)9 168**29*39588**569 18* 1 1968**55938*33928( 1)9 / kloc-0/8 1 1968**(2)99* 1*23839383393849328( 1)9 18( 1)9 12829 19588**569 18* 1 1968**55938*33928 19968**( 1)9*

Dance! Dance! (Hot climax)

7 088 3*9 2# 5#**8 088 1#*9 7** 5#8 0899 4#99 5#888 088 6999 6888 5# 088 4#999 6888 088 5# 088 4# 088 5# 088 6 088 (7) 1#*9 088 2# 088 5# 9 4# 38 088 5#99 388 0899 5#9 4# 1#8 088 39 2# 7**8 0899 1#*9 7** 788 088 5# 088 5#999 5#888 5# 088 699 7 5#8 088 1#* 99 1# 888 1# 088 1#99 2# 7**8 088 3*9 3 2#8 0899 (3)99

relative humidity

4#**84#4#4#4#4#6#494844444#2#94#84#4#4#4#6#49484948444#94#84#4#4#4#6#49484948 1#6#**(7)94#*84#995#885#994#85#


39 5 7 5 08 1*88 1 7** 6 5 6 699 0 3 5 7 1*8 6**8 7 09 1* 1 7** 6 7 1* 199

Lonely Christmas

(4)#9 0 (6) 0 0 0 4# 088 (6) (3)* 0 0 0 (4)# 0 0 0 4#** 0 08 (6) 0 0 0 4# 088 (6) (3)* 0 0 0 (4)# 0 3 (4)# 5 0 0 0 08 5 088 5 0 0 0 08 (5) (2) 0 (7)** 0 0 0 7 (2)* 6 0 0 0 08 (6) 5 0 0 0 088 (5) (2) 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08 (4)#** 0 (6) 0 0 0 4# 088 (6) (3)* 0 0 0 (4)# 0 0 0 4#** 0 08 (6) 0 0 0 4# 088 (6) (3)* 0 0 0 (4)# 0 3 088 (4)# 5 0 0 0 088 (5) 5 0 0 0 088 (5) (2) 0 (7)** 0 0 0 7 088 (2)* 6 0 0 0 088 (6) 5 0 0 0 088 (5) (2) 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 088 (2) (2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Can we talk?

58 1*395**8 1*32 16**76(5)8( 1)*(4)3995**8 1*395**8 1*543 12 1928(3)95**83*9(3)88( 1) (5)**(7)9958 1* 9( 1)88(6)**( 1)*(2)(3)995**8(3)*8(3)(3)(3)( 1)(5)**(7)9958


1*8 14569958865994886**6664*3439928834542 1 14549685544256599 1*886#**6#669 1*86#**6#6692*86**6554 1* 2 1996#**8866# 1*6#**66#65469285599 1885599

Don't cry on the count of three.

55#6#95885# 1* 19(6)#**586#4*2#95**85992#882* 16#** 1*99 1886#**5#6#996#885#5(5)#9585#9(5)*49

Favorite concert

1*86968(6)945938845958693(5)49288(6)#96#28( 1)9485968(5)948349(5)485696869584968666958495485942*994**8883293849 16#64384999

day of commemoration



1**8 17**399 1*88 17**3993*8822 12 1 1 16**958693938822 1( 1)9 18322 1(5)958656958399

Doctor of IQ

58 3*8 39 3 3 2 19 6**8 2* 2 2 299 488 48 49 3 2 4 69 58 5 5 6 599 68 7** 78 6* 69 5 7** 1*9

Chibi marukogawa

5#*8 0 (4)#8 08 (5)# 08 09 5#9 4# 39 1#8 7** 3*9 1#8 7** 0 (5)#*8 09 08 4#9 38 0 (3) 08 4#99 3 1#8 (7)**8 08 3*99 1# 8 (7)** 8 09 08 5#*9 0 (4)#8 08 3 0 (3) 08 (4)#9 08 39 1#8 (7)**8 08 3*99 1#8 (7)**8 09 08 (6)*9 08 6 5# 4# 3 0 4#999

Meteor Garden Ⅱ-Fireworks Season

567 1*97**8 1*9287**9786956585948559283493849 1*( 1)2**834938493*28(2)9 15**8 1*9545839382 17**9 / kloc-0/*8295**(3)* 17**8 1*93438296**87 1*97**8 1*9543839(2) 15**8 1*9545839382 17**9 1*8295**3*9

I believe

5885*4#9093(2)83 17** 1*03**4#(5)( 1)*23(2)6**9996888(2)* 17** 1*39(2)2(3)34#(4)#(4)#554#885884#883883887**888(6)52*0 17** 1*(3)**4#4#970(5)9

Pray for the theme song of Blue Love between Life and Death.

3088(5)88 199908880888(2)88396808(6)86969908880888(5)88(5)990888(3)88396808(7) 1*97**90888(5)8869 1808( 1)990888(5) 8869 / kloc-0/808 19908880888(2)888(3)9990888(2)808(3)8(4)909(3)8(5)9

Carmen (front)

6* 5# 58 59 58 4#9 4 38 39 38 2#9 2 1 7**8 1* 29 1 7** 08 08 6* 5# 58 59 58 4#9 4 38 39 38 29 1 7** 68 7 1*9 7** 6

Autumn in my heart

( 1)*829288(2)#(2)#2#99288( 1)(6)#**699088(6)88(6)# 1*992808(2)#829(2)#8(2)( 1)(6)#**695909(5)8869(6)#8(6)#( 1)*( / kloc-0/) 1996#**88(6)(5)4#994#88(5)969088( 1)*86#**(6)#( 1)*8(2)(2)99099 12808(2)8(2)#2#9(2)#(2)8( 1)6#**96909(6) 886#99 1* 808292#88(2)(2)#(2) 19(6)#**8(6)599088(5)88(6)(6)#(6)# 1*9( 1)8( 1)9(6)#**869(5)8(4)#9(4)#859966688(6)96#9688(5)999


1#** 2 3 69 6 28 3 4 5 69 48 69 48 69 28 4 2 6** 4* 299 1#88 2 3 69 6 28 3 4 5 69 48 69 48 (6)9 28 4 2 6** 4*299

The fruits of summer

Nokia: 6 * 685 (5) 92849485948329458685495696861* (1) 91826 * * 65 (6) 96681*/kloc.

tropical rainforest

5#*9 (2)#*8 5#9 (4) 4# 0888 5#9 (5)#**88 2#*9 5#(4)#8 49 (2)#8 1#99 (5)#**88 2#*9 5# 4 088 4# 0885# 4# (4)8 2#9 1#9 (4) 0888 08888 48 (4) 8 49 4 088(2)# 4#9 488 088 2#9 1 (2)#8 499 1# 088 6#**8 1#*(6)#**8 1#*9 (6)#**8 1#*9 5# (5) #8 (2)#99 488 0882#99 (5)#** 88 2#*9 (5)#8 (4)9 4# 088 5#9 (5)#**882#*9 (5)#8 4#9 4 (2)#8 1#99 (5)#**88 2#*9 (5)#8(4)9 4# 088 5# (4)#8 49 2# ( 1)# 0888 49 0 488 08849 (4)8 (4)9 2# 088 4#9 (4)88 2#9 ( 1)8 2#9 49 1#0888 08888 6#**88 1* 1#9 (6)#**8 / kloc-0/#*9 6#** ( 1)#*86#**9 ( 1)*8 ( 1)#99 0

Meteor Garden II-I will never lose you

2856796869778 1*97**879 1*5**86958596877995882*295**82*

295**82*26**666978 1*7**9958865 1*9287**9668796869758 1*

97**879 1*5**8695859687799