Pride is all over the road, and the light of pommel horse can be seen in the fine dust. Excuse me, who are those people? Passers-by replied that they were eunuchs, officials of the emperor. Wear a red ribbon representing the identity of a doctor and a purple ribbon symbolizing the identity of a general. Boasting his identity, he came to the army at the dinner party, in large numbers, and the scene was grand. The bottle overflows, and the land and water are eight treasures. There is an orange as a fruit in Dongting Lake. This excellent fish tastes delicious. They remained calm after the party, but became arrogant when they were drunk. However, when there was a drought in the south of the Yangtze River, there was a tragic scene in Quzhou.
Light fertilizer is translated as follows:
Pride permeates the whole road, and the light of pommel horse can see dust. Excuse me, passers-by, who are those people Passers-by replied that they were all eunuchs and ministers of the emperor.
Wear a red ribbon indicating the identity of a doctor and a purple ribbon symbolizing the identity of a general. Boasting of his position, he is about to go to the army for dinner, with a large number of people and a grand scene.
The glass is full of wine and the plate is full of delicacies. There are oranges produced in Dongting Mountain in the middle of Taihu Lake as fruits, and the finely cut fish is delicious and tender.
They are still calm and complacent after eating, and even more arrogant after getting drunk. But this year, there was a severe drought in the south of the Yangtze River, and there was a painful scene of people eating people in Quzhou.
About the author:
Bai Juyi (772-846), a native of Xinzheng, Henan Province, was born in Taiyuan, Lotte, Xiangshan, and drunk. He was a great realistic poet in the Tang Dynasty and one of the three great poets in the Tang Dynasty.
Bai Juyi and Yuan Zhen * * * advocated the new Yuefu movement, and together with Liu Yuxi, they called the world "Bai Yuan" and "Bai Liu". Bai Juyi's poems have a wide range of themes, diverse forms and simple and popular language, and are known as "the poet's magic" and "the king of poets". Official to Hanlin bachelor, Zuo Zanshan doctor.
In 846 AD, Bai Juyi died in Luoyang and was buried in Xiangshan. Up to now, there are Bai's "Changqing Collection", and the representative works include Song of Eternal Sorrow, Charcoal Man, Pipa Travel and so on.