There is also a famous saying in Chai Lu's ancient poems: "After a hundred flowers gather honey, who will work hard and who will be sweet?" This sentence is the poet Wang Zhihuan's profound thinking on the value of life, which means that our life must have its own value, and the life we strive for must be to contribute to society and others. If we only pay attention to our own sweetness and ignore the difficulties of others, then our life value will disappear.
We can find that the philosophy contained in the poem Chai Lu is profound and gloomy. Walking alone on the road, we need to be calm, think and feel. We need to reflect on ourselves, explore our deepest thoughts and find the true meaning of life. When we are integrated into this vast natural world, we will feel the true beauty and strength of this world. Even when it is windy and snowy, we will still open our doors and find our own way of happiness in nature.