what is eat, drink, and be merry in english ( Eat, drink, be merry )

Translation: eat, drink, have fun = Eat


play and be merry The other one: (paraphrase) eat, drink, have fun = Eat

drink and have a fling Fling (noun) = Enjoy yourself English phrases Eat

drink and be merry = Enjoy yourself whenever you can "Eat

drink and be merry< /p>

for tomorrow you may die" ~ From the Bible Ecclesiastes 8:15 Beer and skittles = eat, drink and be merry (All fun and pleasure; easy and pleasant.) "Life hasn't been all beer and skittles" ~ .from US TV program "M.A.S.H." "Life isn't all beer and skittles." ~ from the novel "Tom Brown's Schooldays" by Thomas Hughes "Married life is not all beer and skittles

I don't mind telling you." ~ from the novel “Decline and Fall” by Evelyn Waugh


we ignore the spiritual pleasures of life and indulge in the physical pleasures which is "pleasure without conscience." - Mahatma Gandhi 2014-05-24 11:30:36 Supplement: All of us who look at righteous people who minimize their indulgence in the physical pleasures of this physical world will have a very

very envious eye regarding their fate after we die. - Life After Death By Rabbi Pinchas Winston 2014-05-24 11:36:17 Supplement: Debauchery

too much indulgence in the physical pleasures like eating non-vegetarian spicy food

drinking alcohol

watching blue films

applying strong scents

e ... -Dr Samadhan Ghule facebook /drsamadhan.ghule.923/posts/1597151850509926 2014-05-24 11:40:05 Supplement: debauchery - : bad or immoral behavior that involves sex



e extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures; dissipation.


drink and be merry. So I mended pleasure

for there is nothing good for a man under the sun except to eat and to drink and to be merry

and this will stand by him in his toilets throughout the days of his life which God has given him under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 8 :15) Let us eat and drink

for tomorrow we may die. (Isaiah 22:13) 2014-05-24 09:24:57 Supplement: Eat

drink and be merry

for it will cost you a lot more tomorrow. Thanks to inflation. (MAD magazine)

what is eating, drinking and playing english eating + drinking drinking + playing + amusing



play was happy