I changed it and adapted one. If you are satisfied, adopt it!
The good gentleman took a fancy to the beautiful woman Yue of the Jade Family. They went through a lot of hardships (well, think about the experience yourself! ) finally came together. The evil master is a harem, but he still wants to marry Yu Lian, but it doesn't matter. Evil Qin (he doesn't have a surname evil, because he doesn't like his father's behavior, and this surname is not very nice! I helped them, but I still let Yue into the evil house, because she couldn't escape as soon as she entered the door, so Yue said to herself in the pond garden with the voice of the waiter: "The first lady is crazy!" Yu Lian jumped out of the pond that month. Strange to say, the evil pond is so deep that I can't salvage Yulianyue's body for a long time! It is said that after Yulianyue left, Xian Jun has been unhappy. On this day, he went to fetch water by the stream in Qingzhen alone. Suddenly he saw the body of Yulianyue, and he was in great pain, so he vowed to take revenge. Jade Lotus Moon's body was buried in the Qingming Mountain, and together with the evil family gentleman, she planned to murder the hateful evil family gentleman (this can be said to be a place above family loyalty! A good gentleman swears never to marry anyone except hurting others. In this way, before he arrived in Tomb-Sweeping Day, a good gentleman went to Qingming Mountain for a day and a night. Then, when the gentleman walked past the camera with an umbrella. Now the poem Qingming is adapted into a song, and it will be ok after singing!