The Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu, and the Peach Blossom Fairy under the Peach Blossom Temple. The Peach Blossom Fairy planted peach trees and picked peach blossoms in exchange for wine money. When I'm sober, I just sit in front of the flowers; when I'm drunk, I come to sleep under the flowers. Drunk and drunken, we wake up day after day, and flowers bloom and fall year after year. I wish I could die in my old age and spend my time drinking wine, rather than bow in front of my carriage. Cars, dust and horses are enough for the rich, and wine-cups and branches are for the poor. If the rich and the noble are compared to the poor and the humble, one is on the ground and the other is in the sky. If flowers and wine were compared to chariots and horses, he would have to drive and I would have nothing to do. Others laugh at me for being crazy, but I laugh at others because they can’t see through it. There are no tombs of heroes from the Five Tombs, and there are no flowers or wine to cultivate the fields.
You need to indulge in alcohol to sing during the day, and it is better to return to your hometown with the company of youth. --Du Fu spends his days drinking and singing wildly, and who is the hero of being so domineering?
--When did Li Bai achieve success and become famous? He returned home and accompanied his father thirty thousand times while drunkenly laughing.