The first sentence is resentment, and the second sentence is from the past with Zhuo Wenjun. Sima moved and wrote it together, but in the end they got back together. The third sentence, which comes from Yuefu, is that a woman's heart is clear, but Lang was so careless and popular that she was disgusted, but in the end she remembered the good past. In short, people who can collect such poems are sensitive, which means that you stand in the position of a person who is not as close as her in some places, or that you have alienated her without knowing it when you are playing well with others. She is very unhappy, and even feels bad. If she hadn't broken off, it would have been a temporary passion.
There is only one suggestion: a love that consumes everything, you can go home slowly.
Just go back and make out with her, or make clear what you mean.
Seeing these poems really feels the same way. I also have a very close friend who can't tell who is close to me, which breaks my heart.