Self-confidence puts on the coat of pride, judges others by the law of the Lord, judges others by the commandments of the Lord, and looks at the thorn in others' eyes with self-righteousness, but ignores the beam in their own eyes. I thought I was alert and kept the truth of the Lord, but I didn't see my hidden mistakes
I thought I regarded obedience as icing on the cake and proudly showed off my daily routine and spiritual practice of reading and praying. In fact, I am still very proud subconsciously, trying to prove how self-disciplined I am. However, no matter how I boast, the real glory belongs only to God, whose scale has spread all over the world and his words have spread to the ends of the earth. How can our actions compare with his? Can our thoughts be higher than his?
Although I know what kind of person I want to be, I still complain about my unbelieving friends or family from time to time, thinking that they are stubborn and can't accept the gospel. Although I understand the importance of love and tolerance, I will secretly judge those who don't obey the rules as low-level and uneducated. Although I told myself that I should focus on God instead of human beings, I couldn't help whispering that my friends in the Bible study group didn't really miss them.
I implore the Holy Spirit to remind me at all times, please stop your servant from committing willful crimes, so that this crime will not rule over me, and I will be completely free from committing great crimes. In every small matter, no evil is allowed to breed, leaving no room for the devil. I only hope that my words and thoughts will be accepted in front of you, and everything I say and do will only please you. Please remind me of all possible hidden crimes, don't do it because of small evils, let me owe you glory.