Yu Xin's Xiao Yuan Fu has a nest on the branch of Ruofu. In the jar, Gong Hu has a place to live. The condition of Chenopodium album bed is that it can be worn and sat; Ji Kang's stove is warm and sleepy. Do you have to connect the bridal chamber, Nanyang is the first? Chi Yongqing House, the home of Wang Gen in the Western Han Dynasty. I have a few acres of seclusion, and I am alone outside, talking about wax and wind and frost. Although yanying is close to the city, it does not seek the benefits of the morning and evening; Facing the city, Pan Yue enjoys the pleasure of seclusion. The situation is that the yellow crane abstains from dew and has no intention of being in LUN Xuan; Living in a sheltered place, the bells and drums are ruthless. Lu Ji brothers live together, Han Kang's uncle is different, and snail cilia are compatible.
The mistress wandered around the cave, saying something about chiseling a blank. Tree dew, willow downwind. The piano number is Zhu Zhu and the title is North Henan. There are pears without a pavilion, dates without a table. There are eight or nine feet on the side, dozens of steps in vertical and horizontal directions, two or three rows of elms and willows, and more than 100 pear trees and peaches. Pull out the secret window and take the inclined road. Cicada is not surprised to live, not afraid to live! The grass and trees are confused and the branches are crossed. The mountain is covered with fat, and there is a hall depression on the ground. Tibetan mastiffs and raccoons live in caves, while milk magpies live in nests. Julian bacteria, long-handled cold. Can satisfy hunger, can stay up late, can be rugged and narrow, can leak rain. The eaves are inclined straight and hinder the hat, while the households are parallel and hinder the eyebrows. There are no cranes in the tent, but turtles on the bed. Birds are idle, and flowers follow the seasons. My heart is dead and my hair is messy. It's not that summer is terrible, it's that autumn is sad.
One inch and two inches of fish, three poles and two poles of bamboo. Clouds and fog are shaded in the bushes, and autumn flowers are cultivated. Jujube, sour pear, peach and plum. Fallen leaves half a bed, flowers everywhere. It's called the home of barbarians, and it's called Yugong Valley. Want to stop in Maolin, is a long-term envy of smoking. Although the door is long and closed, it is constant without water. I met you in the third spring and found you in May. Ask Ge Hongzhi about his medicinal properties and visit Lin Bu, Fang Jing. Grass has no intention of forgetting worries, and flowers have no intention of being happy. Why do birds chase wine? Why do fish listen to the piano?
Cold weather and hot weather give it a different order, and its behavior is contrary to virtue. Cui Jian was unhappy when he lost his years, and Wu Zhi was worried for a long time when he was recovering from illness. The town house god looked at himself in the mirror with a stone and was tired of the mountain god. Repeated and touching songs of Zhuang Yu, a few lines of Wake's life. Thin and idle, young and old; Son of bald Wang Ba, wife of Hongliang. There are two cans of wheat and a cold dish. Coquettish and coquettish, the trees are in a hurry, and the sky is miserable and the clouds are low. Gather empty positions and make trouble, but scare the lazy woman.
Grass used to be boastful, and it was boasted in classical Chinese. There is virtue in the door and books at home. Or watch Xuanwu and participate in the Phoenix market. This concept was influenced by the propaganda room, and Yang was given a long life.
As a result, landslides and rivers run out, ice breaks tiles and cracks, thieves sneak around and disappear forever. Eliminate three dangers and break the road to 10%. Jing Ke has the worry of cold water, and Su Wu has the difference of autumn wind. The mountain is miserable, and the dragon water breaks the liver and intestines. Turtles talk about the cold here, cranes are surprised by the snow this year. It's too late to be a hundred years old. Don't snow the wild goose gate, read the distance of Lu Hong first. Not Hai Huai is changeable, nor is it then changeable. Don't fly into a rage at Longmen, but bow to Banma. I'm afraid heaven is unknown and humanity is muddy.
Appreciation of Yu Xin's "Xiao Yuan Fu" on Liang Wudi's Holy Three Years (554). Yu Xin was ordered to go to the Western Wei Dynasty, when the army of the Western Wei Dynasty was invading Jiangling in the south. He was forced to stay in Chang 'an and surrender to the enemy. Later, in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, he became an official, and the official was the general of the title of generals in ancient times. Although his official position is high, his heart is very painful, and he often misses his motherland.
"If the husband is on the branch, Chao Fu will have a nest and a pot of Gong Ju will have a place. Guanning Chenopodium bed can be worn; Ji Kang forged a stove, which was awkward and sleepy. " "A few acres of seclusion, lonely outside", you can "talk about hiding wax and talking about shelter from the wind and frost". The author's open mind at first shows that he is not greedy for wealth and indifferent to life. However, contrary to expectations, the poet pursues indifference, but his mind can never be quiet; I don't want to be an official in a foreign country, but I have no choice but to be a senior official. "Yellow crane abstains from dew, not out of Lun Xuan; The poet wanted to find a quiet shelter for his frightened soul, but he couldn't help getting on the official ship. First frost dewdrops and yellow cranes are warning each other, just to guard against disasters; Seabirds who foresee the shipwreck live only to take refuge. Yu Xin, a poet who died in the old country Liang Dynasty and moved to northern countries, was stranded in a foreign country in fear of "the tortoise said it was cold here, and this year the crane was shocked by snow".
The poet wandered in a foreign cave, intending to "chat with people", but he only had the ambition of seclusion, but he had no chance to live in seclusion. He dreamed of escaping like Yan He, seeking peace of mind in the "dew falling among the tung trees and the wind falling in the willow trees". But he was imprisoned by Hou Lu, a senior official of the enemy country. Although hiding in a small garden, I can't get rid of the mental pressure of "leaning on the eaves to block the hat, and households blocking the eyebrows in parallel" Happiness in life can never make up for spiritual emptiness and confusion. The poet is in a special political environment. Although he is an official in an enemy country with a high salary, he can't let go of the shame of being an official in an enemy country. He was tortured by his ethical thought of "not serving the two masters", and his heart was like a dead tree and his hair was like silk. Although the dead trees in Liling once withered and became more lush, for the author, Liang has already fallen, and the dream tree that may be withered and reborn cannot be regenerated anyway. Once, I accompanied Xuanwu, and I attended the Phoenix Market. The life experience of "being tried by the propaganda room and giving Yang a long life" made him deeply humiliated and unforgettable, but he could not return to heaven by his own efforts. He gave in, not only failed to serve his country, but also turned to serve his enemy. He is gone forever, with heavy mental shackles. He is sad and distressed, so he sees his hair like a wandering silk, just like Mozi sees Susie's tears, and he can't find any traces of vitality.
For the poet, all kinds of scenery in the small garden are "terrible in summer and sad in autumn" and "the grass has no intention of forgetting worries and the flowers have no intention of being happy". The only thing that can arouse the poet's soul and feelings is "What do birds do and what do they drink?" ? Why do fish listen to the piano? The seabirds who "dare not eat a cup, dare not drink a cup, and die in three days" in Zhuangzi Zhile is a portrayal of the poet's fear of being an official in a foreign country. The poet's heart is as restless as a noisy sparrow, like a cricket crawling in the dark and screaming blindly with cicadas, in the madness of "coquettish trees" and the melancholy of "the sky is miserable and the clouds are low" The frightened and sincere soul of the poet doesn't know where to drift.
After experiencing "landslides, broken tiles, thieves sneaking around and leaving forever", the poet has been saying that "the mountain is sad and the dragon is heartbroken." In his illness, he repeatedly moved the song of Zhuangzi, and in his confusion, he lived a few lines of Wei Kezhi's life. He is in a trance and misses his motherland. What is shaking in front of us is the desolation of "half a bed with fallen leaves and full of wild flowers". Fallen leaves symbolize the poet's withered and decadent heart, while wild flowers symbolize the poet's wandering soul. In his later years, the poets detained in the Northern Dynasties had already felt that "the lark was dying, but it was too late to shine". In the case of worrying about destroying people's old age and waiting for no one, the poet's "learning the wild goose gate first" can't change the unfortunate fate of the past, and it is impossible to end his wandering life until his death. This is a desperate lament for life and a helpless call. "It's not that Hai Huai is changeable, it's not that then is changeable", and he has never been able to adapt to the living conditions in foreign countries. At first, he regretted that "he didn't die in Longmen" and lamented that "he finally bowed to Banma". Without the glory of "carp climbing the dragon gate" and failing to become a nobody, how could the poet's soul be flogged to blood? The poet's hesitation in crying without tears and singing silently in madness expressed a hopeless mental pain, which was caused by his helpless fate. Ask all the people in the world, and which savior can save this unfortunate and turbulent troubled times? Which hero can control his own destiny?
Yu Xin's inability to escape from the world is a spiritual pain that human beings can't get rid of. The value of Xiao Yuan Fu lies in its description of the instability and pure pain of life. Yu Xin's unprecedented experience of suffering and pain is an irresistible survival experience of individual life; At the same time, Fu profoundly expresses the indomitable emotional power contained in the essence of human nature.