The avenue in Chang 'an is connected with all kinds of small streets. Buffalo, white horses and fragrant cars come and go in the street. The cars of princes and nobles crisscross outside the noble house, and there is an endless stream. There are gorgeous car covers with carved dragons, and cars with phoenix-billed tassels on the car covers run through Chang 'an from morning till night. The swaying insects are hundreds of feet long and surround the tree. A group of petite birds are singing to the flowers. Swarms of bees and butterflies are flying on both sides of the palace gate. The green trees and silver platforms reflect many colors in the sun. The courtways and windows of the mansion are engraved with patterns of acacia flowers, and the ridges connected by the two watchtowers are as clear as golden phoenix's hanging wings.
Liang Jia's painting pavilion soars into the sky, and the bronze columns built by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty touch the clouds. The ladies in the pavilion looked at each other, not knowing who it was, but when they met on the road, they would know each other. Asked if they had played oral sex, they replied that they learned to dance in order to spend their time in the mood for love. As long as I can be with my beloved, I am willing to die; As long as I can be with the person I love, I would like to be a mortal and not envy the gods. Bimu and Yuanyang are really enviable, but you can't see them in pairs. I hate the lonely love embroidered in front of the tent. I would like to put on the curtain of swallows flying around flowers and trees. The curtain and emerald feathers are sprinkled with tulip material.
Appreciating this poem is an expression of "ancient meaning" and current feelings. Its theme and language are very close to those of Qi-Liang Palace poems such as Xiao Gang's Wuqi Qu, but their thoughts and feelings are quite different. Although his words are rich and colorful, they do not hurt the beauty. The writing of the poem is similar to that of Han Fu, which tries to spread the truth of the object of description, with a slight meaning of "persuading everyone to satirize one person". "The Mirror of Tang Poetry" said: "There is no lack of elegance, and it should be the emperor of Luo." Zhou Jingyu was quoted in the Review of Tang Shilin: "The whole article has far-reaching structure, strange syntax and more romantic knot. After the change of the party and the death of the dynasty, * * * was arrogant and extremely corrupt.
According to the neighbor is a thorn in the poem, full of twists and turns, which makes people think of punishing the time and hurting the world. "Tang Yin" said: "This film describes the prosperity of the imperial capital of Chang 'an, the beauty of the palace and the prosperity of the characters, which is limited to the phase. However, only Ziyun is happy in the rise and fall of the past dynasties, and it has long been famous all over the world. But the words are gorgeous and the bones are light, so it is also the voice of the early Tang Dynasty. "Mr. Wen Yiduo called Chang 'an ancient meaning' redemption of palace poems'.
The whole poem can be divided into four parts.