1. Time-limited reading: Choose an article of about 200 words, but it is not recommended to choose poetry and prose, because it is only for speed control practice. In the process of reading, we should pay attention to accurate pronunciation and clear pronunciation. One word comma is empty, two word numbers are empty, and the title and quotation marks do not need to be empty. The sentence itself should be fluent, and there should be obvious pauses in punctuation between sentences. When reading aloud, use your mobile phone to record your child's reading aloud. Be sure to read these words within 60 seconds, and then play them back to the child so that he can find the problem and improve it.
2. Light and heavy format: stressed stress, not stressed light reading.
3. Stop: When one sentence and another sentence express the same meaning together, you need to read the two sentences together. The sound in the middle can stop, but the breath can't stop.