What does Easter symbolize?

What does Easter mean?

Easter (Easter) is an important festival in the west, which falls on the first Sunday after the full moon at the vernal equinox every year. Christians believe that Easter symbolizes rebirth and hope, to commemorate the day when Jesus Christ was resurrected on the third day after he was crucified between 30 and 33 AD. American food at Easter is also very distinctive, mainly mutton and ham.

What does Easter symbolize?

Eastern symbolic reporthandhope, the English word is Eastern symbolic reporthandhope.

Why is Easter called Easter?

Themodernelishtermediater comes from the moderngermanostern, developdfromworth hattussualyapearsintheform \ asrun \: English Easter comes from the German word ostern.

There are many legends about how Austern evolved into Easter, and the most widely accepted is:

Osternwasthenameofagoddess is associated with MonthapriWhorfeassweelebratedinathonth: Ostern is the name of a goddess, which is associated with April, the season of spring and the renewal of everything, representing the concepts of "resurrection" and "rebirth".

The origin of Easter

Easter is a Christian holiday to commemorate Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection three days later. It is a combination of Christianity and the so-called pagan customs in ancient times. It is said that the word Easter comes from the name of Eostre, the goddess of dawn in Anglo-Saxon mythology. Its willingness means that after winter is over, the spring sun rises from the east and brings new life. Because this word symbolizes rebirth, it is borrowed by Christians to mean that Jesus, who gave life, light and joy, returned to this world again.

Festival significance

On Easter Sunday, as mentioned above, there is no special retreat, because the vigil on the eve usually lasts until the early morning of Sunday. Take part in this Sunday's daytime retreat. This can be seen as a continuation celebration of Jesus' resurrection. In order to consider attending mass, many parishioners did not attend the ceremony on the eve of resurrection. Therefore, when preaching, we should mention the importance of vigil on the eve, especially explaining the Easter candles placed next to the altar, so that parishioners can understand the scope and unity beyond the Olympic miracle. The articles in the Mass Scripture express the surprise and joy of the church at the resurrection of Jesus. First of all, the chanting in the church announced the good news of Jesus' resurrection: "The Lord has really risen, Hallelujah." Today, the prayers, offerings, communion and eulogy recited by the priests all emphasize the relationship between transcending sacred objects and our lives.

We celebrate this festival not only to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus, but also to experience the process of death with Jesus and then enter the glory of resurrection. The articles in the Easter Mass Book contain songs written by Father Wipo, a priest in Conrad's court at the beginning of the1/century, which will be sung or recited when celebrating the resurrection on the eighth day. The religious drama developed in the Middle Ages was originally inspired by this hymn.

What is the symbol of Easter?

Easter eggs

Eggs are the symbol of Easter, mainly symbolizing the birth of new life. Hard eggshells can't limit the new life born inside. There is also a saying that the hard shell of an egg is like the tomb of Jesus after he was crucified. Three days later, he was resurrected, so he was born again.

Easter bunny; Easter hare

Americans also call rabbits another symbol of Easter. Because rabbits have strong reproductive ability and breed in spring, people in ancient times wanted to have more children, so they regarded rabbits as the creators of new life.

Cross and nail

It was deliberately released at Easter as a reminder of the crucifixion of Jesus. Is to die for the sins of the world and make people remember. This is commonly used by Christians.


Lily symbolizes holiness and purity. People like to use lilies that bloom around spring and Easter to represent the holiness of Jesus Christ. Lily, which is shaped like a trumpet, seems to be loudly preaching the good news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In China, lilies represent maternal love.

The traditional Easter food in the west is mainly meat: mutton and ham. Mutton symbolizes the sacrifice of Jesus' body, while ham means ample food and clothing. Easter adds many creative foods, such as cakes, cheese, bread and other modern foods.