The stream of the river has been flowing for less than a day, and white stones are exposed on the riverbed. The weather is getting colder and the red leaves on the branches are becoming scarce. There is no rain on the winding mountain road, the smoke is misty in the dense pine trees, and the water vapor is heavy, as if to flow, and then the clothes of passers-by. The flow of Jingxi River is getting less and less every day, white stones are exposed on the riverbed, the weather is getting colder and colder, and the red leaves on the branches are getting rarer and rarer. It didn't rain on the winding mountain road, but the dense pine and cypress were foggy and wet, and it seemed to drip down, which wet the clothes of pedestrians.
First of all, the poem begins with the following two sentences: the white stone leaves the Jingxi River, and the red leaves are thin in cold weather, that is, the shiny white stone leaves the Jingxi River, and the red leaves in the mountains are thin in cold weather. It can be seen that Wang Wei's first sentence here is about streams in the mountains, and the second sentence is about red leaves in the mountains. Because the season is late autumn and early winter, the Jingxi River that Wang Wei saw walking in the mountains should be a trickle, because it is cold and shallow. When the weather is cold and the water is shallow, phosphorus white stones will naturally appear in the stream. This is the main feature of mountain streams in late autumn and early winter.
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As for the red leaves in the mountains, if it is autumn, it should be characterized by the bright frost leaves in February, and here it is after the cold winter, so the red leaves naturally appear sparse and loose, which is difficult to attract people's attention. But for Wang Wei, he saw the beauty of "cold weather and sparse red leaves" and cherished beautiful things. Because the sparse red leaves on the mountain at this time have a strong green mountain background, which is also the main content of this poem.
Then, three or four sentences of the poem say that there is no rain on the mountain road, and the empty green color seems to wet people's clothes, indicating that there is no rain on the mountain road, but the empty green color seems to wet people's clothes. According to "Notes on Water Classics: Weishui", Jingxi's real name is Changshui, also known as Lianshui and Jinggu Water, which originated in the Qinling Mountains in the southwest of Lantian County, Shaanxi Province and flowed northward to the northeast of Chang 'an. From the phenological point of view, although the winter in Qinling Mountain is cold, it is still full of green.