I write poetry because the English word Inspiration comes from Latin Spiritus breath, and I want to breathe freely.
I write poetry because walt whitman gave the world permission to speak frankly.
I write poetry because walt whitman opened the lines of poetry for unimpeded breathing.
I wrote poetry because ezra pound saw the ivory tower, bet on the wrong horse and allowed poets to write oral idioms.
I wrote poetry because Pound instructed young western poets to look at Chinese characters.
I write poetry because W.C. Williams, who lives in Rutherford, wrote a new New Jersey style poem "I kick your eyes". How to measure it with iambic pentameter?
I wrote poetry because my father was a poet and my mother came from Russia and spoke communism. She died in an insane asylum.
I write poetry because my young friend gary snyder is sitting there looking at his thoughts, as a part of the external phenomenon world, just like the 1984 conference table.
I write poetry because I suffer, born to die, kidney calculi and high blood pressure, and everyone suffers.
I write poetry because I don't know what others want to confuse me.
I write because poetry can reveal my thoughts and cure my paranoia and others' paranoia.
I write poetry because my thoughts are out of the theme of sex politics and Buddhist meditation.
I write poems to accurately describe my own thoughts.
I write poetry because I have accepted the four vows of the Bodhisattva: there are countless beings in the universe to be liberated, and my own greed, anger and ignorance are infinite. I find that my own situation is countless, just like the sky, and my awakening mind is endless.
I wrote a poem because I was trembling with fear this morning. What can I say in China?
I write poetry because Russian poets Mayakovski and Ye Saining committed suicide, and people have to talk.
I write poetry because my father recited the English poet Shelley. American poet Vachel Lindsay gave an example loudly-the strong wind inspired the breath.
I write poetry because writing about sex is censored in America.
I write poetry because millionaires in the East and West ride in Rolls-Royce limousines, but the poor don't have enough money to fill their teeth.
I write poetry because my genes and chromosomes fall in love with young men instead of young women.
I write poetry because I have no dogmatic responsibility for the future.
I write poetry because I want to be alone and talk to people.
I write poems to refute Whitman, a young man ten years later, talking to his old aunts and uncles who still live near Newark, New Jersey.
I write poetry because I listened to the Black Blues on Radio Leadbelly and Ma Reni 1939.
My inspiration for writing poetry comes from young and cheerful Beatles' old songs.
I write poetry because Zhuangzi can't tell whether he is a butterfly or a human being. Laozi said that water flows downwards, Confucius said that he respects the elders, and I want to respect Whitman.
I write poetry because overgrazing sheep and cattle in Mongolia has destroyed new grasslands in the western United States. Erosion created a desert.
I write poems in animal shoes.
I always write poetry as "the first thought, the best idea".
I write poetry because there is no concept that can be understood except for subtle details: "There is no concept, only things."
I write poetry because the Tibetan Lama said, "Things are symbols of themselves."
I write poetry because the headline of the newspaper is a black hole in the center of our galaxy, and we can pay attention to it freely.
I write poetry because of World War I, World War II, nuclear bombs and World War III. If we want it, I don't need it.
I wrote a poem because the first poem I didn't intend to publish, Howl, was sued by the police.
I write poetry because my second long poem, Kadish, commemorates my mother's stay in a mental hospital in Wana, Parigny.
I write poetry because Hitler killed six million Jews, and I am a Jew.
I wrote my poem because Moscow said that Stalin exiled 20 million Jews and intellectuals to Siberia,150,000 never came back to stray dog cafe, St. Petersburg.
I write poetry because I can sing when I am lonely.
I wrote poetry because walt whitman said, "Am I contradictory? Good, then I am contradictory (I am big, I contain many. )"
I write poetry because my thoughts are contradictory. One minute I am in new york, and the next minute I am in the Dinara Alps.
I write poetry because my mind contains 10000 ideas.
I write poetry because there is no reason and no reason.
I write poetry because it is the best way to say what I think in six minutes or in my life.
October 2 1, 1984