In the past, Confucius wanted to live in Jiuyi Mountain, and people thought it was ugly. Confucius said, "How can a gentleman be humble if he lives there?" It is important for Shouren to condemn the crimes of Longchang, Longchang and Gu Yicai today, but learning is still due to its reasons. Everyone is willing to go from the countryside to the countryside. He will be ugly and can live in it. And you can enjoy it in the middle of the month, and you can't get the so-called poor people. It's a bird song, a mountain costume, a palace view, and a gift of literature and art, but it's still a legacy of the quality of spring fat.
When Confucius wanted to live in Jiuyi (a remote place), others thought it was simple and backward. Confucius said, "What's so simple about a gentleman living there?" Wang Shouren was demoted to the Dragon Field for committing a crime. Longchang is outside Cai Yi (now southern Henan), and now it belongs to a remote area, and it still follows the customs and habits of the past.
People think I'm from Beijing, I'm sure I'll resent it. I can't live here. However, I have lived here for a long time, but I am very happy, and I have never seen what they call simplicity and backwardness. People here, with their hair tied to their foreheads, talk like birds and wear strange clothes. There are no gorgeous cars, no tall houses, no complicated etiquette, and there is a simple legacy of ancient style.
Brief introduction of the author
(1472,10,31-1529,10,9), the young name Yun, whose real name is Bo 'an, is Yangming Zi. Yuyao, Zhejiang, was a famous thinker, philosopher, calligrapher, strategist and educator in Ming Dynasty. Because he once lived in Yangming Cave in Xiuwen, Guiyang, he was named Yangming Zi, so he was called Mr. Yangming, commonly known as Wang Yangming, and his theory was called "Yangming Studies".
Wang Shouren was a scholar in the 12th year of Hongzhi (1499) of Emperor Xiaozong of Ming Dynasty, and served in the three dynasties of Emperor Xiaozong, Wuzong and Sejong. Since he took charge of the Ministry of Punishment, he has successively served as the secretariat of Longchang Yicheng, the order of Luling County, the suggestion of Youhuadu, the governor of Nangan and the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and successively put down the riots in Nangan and Guangdong. In his later years, officials paid homage to Shi Yu, the capital of Nanjing Ministry of War.
The above contents refer to Baidu Encyclopedia-Selected Records of He Lou.