How does Christianity view justification?

"Justification by faith" means that a sinner is saved only by God's grace (gift), only by Jesus Christ, and not by personal faith. This is different from the teachings of Roman Catholicism and Orthodox Church, which believe that people must rely on enough good deeds to be saved by faith.

The "righteousness" in "justification" refers to the righteousness and innocence of God. According to the "original sin" theory of Christianity, the original sin of human beings can not achieve justice, and can only be redeemed from sin by the grace of God and the Son Jesus.

In the Middle Ages, the Holy See emphasized justification through "good deeds" and "holy deeds", while the Reformation put forward the slogan of "justification only by faith", that is, justification was obtained through faith rather than good deeds.

Relevant chapters of the Bible

I am not ashamed of the gospel. This gospel is the power of God to save all who believe, first Jews and then Greeks. Because the righteousness of God is manifested in this gospel, which goes from faith to faith, as it is written, "The righteous will live by faith." —? Romans chapter 1, sections 16 to 17.

For all men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. But now, by the grace of God, I have been justified in vain through the redemption of Christ Jesus. God set up Jesus as a redemption offering to show God's righteousness through the blood of Jesus and human faith. Because he tolerated people's previous sins with patience, his righteousness was revealed at this time, so that people knew that he was righteous and justified those who believed in Jesus.

In this case, where can I boast? There is nothing to boast about. What method is not used? Is it a way to make contributions? No, we believe in God. —? Romans 3: 23-27

Standard of proof

The most clear and detailed book in the Bible about God's declaration of righteousness is Romans. The main point of the argument put forward by the author Paul in Romans is that neither Jews nor Gentiles can gain a just position before God through their actions, whether they obey the law of Moses or do good just because they respect the moral law of instinct.

Jews and Gentiles can only be justified by believing in Jesus Christ. The last chapters of Romans (12- 15) urge believers to be godly, but not for justification, but for gratitude.