Original text:
Confucianism is due to Stuart's official position. Help others, be obedient to yin and yang, and be enlightened. Wandering in the Six Classics, paying attention to benevolence and righteousness. Zhong Ni, the teacher of Yao and Shun, is proficient in both literature and martial arts. He emphasized that his words were the highest in Taoism. Confucius said, "If you have a reputation, you might as well have a try." The inheritance of Tang, Yin, He and He all did their best.
However, those who are confused are lost in subtlety, while the founders are always restrained and violate the Tao. If you are grandstanding. After the Five Classics, Confucianism declined. This is the trouble of Confucianism. Taoism is mobile, and they were built by historians.
Record success or failure, survival, disaster, ancient and modern ways. Then I know that I must stick to the basics, empty my self-sufficiency, be humble and weak, and learn from the South. The combination of Yao and wisdom, easy clatter, modesty and four benefits are also its strengths. Put it down, learn etiquette and abandon righteousness, and your heart will break. You can treat it alone.
The flow of Yin-Yang family is based on the service of He He. Respect for the sky is like the sun, the moon and the stars, and respect for people, which is also its strength. And those who have been detained have done it, so they are bound in the taboo and mud of decimals. Legalists flow, cover from the official. Reward must be punished, and courtesy must be supplemented. "Yi" said: "Sir, punish the law clearly." This is also its strength. And the sculptor did it, then there would be no enlightenment, no love, no full-time criminal law, and no desire for domination. As for killing the closest relatives, the injuries are thin and thick.
Confucianism may have originated from the officials of the ancient Stuart dynasty. They assisted the monarch, conformed to nature and preached enlightenment. In his articles on the Six Classics, he paid special attention to the affairs between benevolence and righteousness. They are far away from the orthodoxy of Yao and Shun, adhere to the etiquette of harmony, respect Confucius as a model, and increase the importance of their own speech, which is the noblest of all Taoist schools.
Confucius said, "If you praise others, you must try them first." The prosperity of Yu Shun and Tang Yao, the prosperity of Shang and Zhou Dynasties and the virtue of Confucius have all been proved to be effective. The confused people have lost the profound and subtle truth (in Confucian classics), while the eccentric people follow the crowd and misinterpret the attached scriptures at will, which violates the essence of the Holy Way and only knows how to gain respect and favor with noisy remarks.
Later scholars followed suit, so the truth of the Five Classics broke away from absurdity, and Confucianism gradually declined. This is the evil left by those eccentric Confucian works. The Taoist school may have originated from ancient historians. They constantly record the truth of success and failure, survival and extinction, disaster and happiness, ancient and modern China and foreign countries.
Then know how to grasp the key points, grasp the fundamentals, guard quietism, and maintain a modest and weak mentality; This is the way the monarch governs the country. Yao's modesty, modesty, and one kind of modesty can get four benefits. This is their strong point.
Wild unruly people who practice Taoist knowledge will break etiquette and abandon benevolence and righteousness; People think that as long as we adopt quietism, we can govern the country well. The school of Yin and Yang probably originated from holding an official position in astronomy in ancient times. They respectfully obey heaven, record the movement of the sun, moon and stars with calendar images, and respectfully teach the people to sacrifice and cultivate according to the weather; This is their strong point.
Stubborn people are bound by taboos, stick to the small skills of divination, abandon personnel and be superstitious when practicing the knowledge of Yin and Yang. Legalism probably originated from ancient judges. They reward punishment with credit, which is bound to be implemented, and help promote the etiquette system.
The Book of Changes said: "The late king punished the law that broke the order with very severe punishment." This is their strong point. When villains practice legalism, then they should not be enlightened, give up benevolent policies and use criminal law exclusively, but want to achieve the purpose of governing the country; As for killing the closest relatives, it hurts people who should be kind and mean.
About the author:
Ban Gu, Meng Jian, was born in Fufeng Anling (now northeast of Xianyang, Shaanxi), a historian and writer of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and was also called "Ban Ma" with Sima Qian. His book "Han Shu" initiated the dynastic historical style of "including a generation" and was a model of "official history" in later generations.
Ban Gu, brother of Ban Chao, son of Ban Biao,/kloc-entered Luoyang Imperial College at the age of 0/6, and returned to China after his father died at the age of 23. During the reign of Emperor Han Ming, he was falsely accused of imprisonment. Later, his younger brother, Ban Chao, wrote a book, which was praised by Ming Di and called "The History of Lantai". Together with Chen Zong, Yin Min and Meng Yi, it was written into the Chronicle of the Ancestors.
Later, he was transferred to Lang, secretary of Canon School. Zhang Shi, the Emperor Gaozu, was highly valued for his literary talent and moved to Xuanwu Sima. In 1982, Ban Gu basically completed the writing of Hanshu. 1992 was framed in prison and died in prison.
Ban Gu wrote a lot in his life. As a historian, compiling Hanshu is one of the "first four histories"; As a lyricist, he is one of the "Four Masters of Han Fu", and Du Du Fu pioneered Kyoto Fu and was included in the first article of Selected Works. As a theorist of Confucian classics, White Tiger Yi Tong compiled by him was a masterpiece of Confucian classics at that time, which theorized and codified Chen Wei's divinity.