Wei Fumin Liu Jue Hu Shunzhi Shen Hui Liu Yizhi (brother Ning Zhi) Hu Jiaoxiu Qi Chongli
Wei Fumin, named Shang Yan, was born in Huating. In the first year of Xuanhe's reign, he was awarded the title of Jinshi. He was awarded the title of Dr. Wen Linlang and Nanjing Zongzi, and was appointed as a professor. In the sixth year, he was summoned to the right position and changed to the preacher and the secretary to the Provincial School Secretary. He was given a leave of absence to congratulate the benefactor on his birthday. Fu Minzou said: "On the fifth day of Tianning Festival after his birthday, the Jin people did not come to congratulate him. Instead, he lost his country's status first. In case the Jin people don't come, it will be embarrassing to the court. Please go to Yanshan to wait for him. If he doesn't come, , just put the money on the situation. "The emperor can play it." After arriving at Yan, Jin He's envoy failed to arrive, so he bought some coins and returned. In the seventh year, I returned to the Qingyuan Mansion. When Xu Kangzong returned, he talked about the affairs of the Jin Dynasty and said: "They are coming in big, and their momentum is unstoppable." The skin is sensitive to Yan, and the retribution is getting more and more urgent. He was afraid and dared not go in, so he scolded Fu Min, "I will carry out your orders, how can I stop them?" When they arrived at the Kingdom of Jin, they knew that their troops had been raised, but they did not surrender. When it was about to be returned, the Jin people wanted to use the initials to replace the seal for the national certificate they had answered, but Fu Min argued hard, saying: "Why should the initials be handed over to neighboring countries?" After discussing the difficulties, it was easy to use the seal. When he was about to receive the book, he wanted to make him kneel down, but Fu Min said: "Kneeling down is a courtesy in the Northern Dynasty, and it can be done by people in the Southern Dynasty!" After the argument was over, he knelt down alone to accept it. Not to mention the accumulation of Jin people, he was detained in Zhongdao for half a year.
When he arrived at Zhuozhou Xincheng, he didn't meet Aoli. He sent someone to make an appointment to meet him, but he refused. So he said, "We must meet each other. What should be the etiquette?" He said, "There is an example." Fu Min smiled and said: "For example, it is said that people go to bow down and bow to each other. How can this ceremony be used? In the Northern Dynasty, there was only one monarch. Although the prince and Langjun were noble, he was also a minister. Even though the envoy was humble, he was also a minister. The ministers of the two countries meet each other. , and using the courtesy of a monarch and his ministers is like having two monarchs in a country in the Northern Dynasty. "The Jin man's anger was broken, and he started to say: "You only want to do what you want." Skin sensitive and long bowed in. After sitting down, the Jin man issued an oath to show it, but he ignored it because of his sensitive skin, saying: "The envoy has not heard about the affairs of the imperial court for a long time, and the authenticity of this book is unknown." Because he discussed the use of military affairs, he also quoted it in words, and it was repeated several times. Remain.
At the beginning of Jingkang, Shi Huan, entered the three official positions, and moved to the official department, Wai Lang. Hui Gaoli sent an envoy to congratulate him, and ordered Shaoqing Taichang to pick him up. Chao Lun wanted to change his name to Xuan Wenshi, but Fu Min said: "The country has treated Goryeo favorably for a long time, and things are changing now. Don't cut off its courtesy suddenly, and lose people's hearts. I hope that I will still be the same." So he was renamed Jie Banshi. After arriving in Mingzhou, it was difficult to meet with the capital, so it was easy to send the envoy back with the imperial edict and generous gifts.
In the first year of Jianyan's reign, he was reinstated, impeached himself for the crime of correction, and was rewarded by Emperor Gaozong. Moved to Weiwei Shaoqing. It is recommended that "the counties in the two rivers should send wax letters to promise hereditary inheritance, so that they can stick to it. Shaanxi, Shandong, and Huainan roads are also ordered to increase the number of pigeons and dredge the gods, and move the people into the city as a plan to clear the country. The ministers are ordered to stay in Bianjing, and the chariot driver is lucky. Jiang Ning. "The emperor accepted it.
He moved to live in the house and said: "The day before yesterday, the Jin people were in the mausoleum and the city was lost. The courtiers wanted to save the Zhao family, but only one or two people. The others were humiliated and not ashamed. Some were even taken advantage of by the enemy. Gold and silk are used to solicit concubines and concubines, and there is no one who can deceive Chu like Ji Xin. The Jin people falsely established rebel ministers, stole titles, and the ministers in the court fled and refused, and those who asked the invaders to retreat to the Zhao family were nothing. There are only one or two people. The others are all asking for honor, and they are not ashamed. They even praise the traitors for their merits, talk about fortune-telling, advocate recommendations, and write essays to encourage progress. There is no one who wants to defeat Zhu Si like Duan Xiu. In the early days of your Majesty's reign, how could you build a country without being punished? Anyone who humiliated his enemies or betrayed his fate in the past day should be punished first. The first is the family, the second is execution, the second is slander, and the next is rebuked from afar. He will be looked down upon for the rest of his life. How can we still give the ancestral salary and send people to the world?" He also said: "Now that the two emperors have moved north, the whole world is heartbroken. I hope that your majesty will debase yourself more and more, and will not forget to serve the snow, humble the palace, poor food, poor clothes, and reduce the number of concubines. He rebukes vocal music, even if he wishes to live a long life at the end of the year, he will give up all the banquets in the Spring and Autumn Period. Even if he enjoys the feast in the suburban temple, he will not have to enjoy it until the two palaces are restored. The official also served as an attendant and read, saying: "We are doing a lot of construction work, so why not show it to the four directions and beg to stop building Chengqingyuan and Shengyang Palace." He also said: "Anyone who deposes Zhi comes from the three provinces. Those who follow the rule, or those who are cruel to their ancestors, are allowed to perform the memorial. "Li Zhidao, the servant at that time, pardoned the Qing army and accepted the propaganda envoy. At the beginning, Qinzong's internal servant Zhaoqing Jun accepted the propaganda mission, and when he was besieging the city, he begged for an official position. Gaozong ascended the throne and ordered him to rise. Fu Min said: "Since ancient times, no emperor has ever asked for an eunuch temple to be used during leisure time." Then he went to bed. After his father Xing Huan removed Huiyou Pavilion and waited for it to be established, Meng Zhonghou, the brother of the Queen Mother, became a bachelor of Xianmo Pavilion. Fu Min said: "It's not the ancestral law." Huan Xun changed his military position, and he was loyal and calm.
Eqian Fu Minzhong Shushe was a member of Fu Min Zhongshu She, Fu Min Zhen said: "In the past, Sima Guang commented that Zhang Fangping should not participate in political affairs, so he moved from Yushi Zhongcheng to become a Hanlin bachelor. Guang said: 'If you treat your ministers as right, then you will be a scholar. Fang Ping should be dismissed. If I do something wrong, I will be demoted. Now I have no questions and I have not told you. 'Although I am unworthy, I would like to be filial to my mother. Treat relatives with kindness, and advise ministers with rewards. Now, your majesty, obeying your mother-in-law as illegal is not the so-called filial piety, being loyal and loyal as unreasonable is not the so-called kindness, and moving her to an official position without your words is not the so-called reward. You have lost three things in one fell swoop. He ordered the prime minister to tell Fu Min: "The imperial court moved officials one by one, not because of the matter." Fu Min still refused to worship him. He stayed at home for more than a month, and if he was honest and loyal, he changed his position as a propaganda envoy. life. He also said: "The foundation of Zhongshu is in the hands of others, not just Yanlun." Any order that is not in line with the public opinion will be returned with a seal.
Xiao Palace.
It may be said that skin sensitivity was discussed in later chapters, which was disliked by Huang Qianshan and Wang Boyan, so they denounced them because of the incident.
In the spring of the third year, I was summoned to travel. The emperor of that time leveled the river. When Fu Min came to see it, he wept as he talked about current events. The emperor also wept and said: "You should tell me everything you know now. If you have any requests, please do not respond at the right time." Fu Min thanked him and said: "I have just tasted three things for your majesty. Yangzhou is not the place to stay." , Qiantang is not the capital of the emperor now, and it is necessary to return to Jinling urgently. "Because of Chen's policy of guarding the Yangtze River, the emperor is good at his words." The next day, we met again and returned home sick, but we still had the strength to rush to Lin'an. In addition to being the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Russia did not pay homage to him, so he went back to Huating to seek medical treatment. He was promised and moved to the Ministry of Rites as the Minister of Rites.
At the beginning, he was suffering from skin sensitivity and was lying in a boat for a long time. He could not go to court. When Miao and Liu changed, the emperor did not change his mind. Prime Minister Zhu Shengfei told Empress Dowager Longyou that "skin sensitivity is a disease" and she sat back and watched the success or failure without anyone ministering. Festival". After he died, it became clear that it was not a false cloud. At the age of forty-nine, this is a special gift for the great and middle-aged officials. Zi Zhongying, Zhongjie, Zhongxun.
Liu Jue, courtesy name Xifan, was born in Changxing, Huzhou. He became a Jinshi in the fifth year of Chongning. When he first visited Taixue, Zou Hao, the scholar who kept the book in his book, said: "When I became a doctor, I discussed the failure of recruiting scholars. I was exempted from the official position. I denounced the wrongdoings of palace servants in the province, and moved to Lingbiao. How could I go against the plan and invite disaster and fortune?" It will be reported in the future, but we really want to follow the practices of the ancients. How can today's common people's government be enlightened, and how can all officials be loyal? If they follow the ministers, they will be unqualified, and if they are dismissed repeatedly, they will be guilty! They trust more than in the past and remain silent. Don't say anything, the people of the world have any doubts, I hope you can comfort them all. "I feel grateful for the book. In the fourth year of Xuanhe's reign, he was promoted to supervise the censor, sit down and tell Shuzhou about affairs, and remained as minister of state affairs.
At the beginning of Jingkang Dynasty, it was discussed that the emperor would pay homage to the emperor, and he wanted to meet his family members in the inner court. He asked the emperor to set up a large and small ceremony. There is the respect of a king and the respect of a father. It is also said: "The emperor may give swords and shoes to ministers to go to the palace, and perhaps his descendants will support him. When the emperor pays a visit, it is appropriate to order the environmental guards to stand in the west of the palace, and the chief minister, three yamen, attendants and other officials to support and serve in the palace. If the emperor is invited to sit down, that is, The Prime Minister and others retreated to Xiyu and moved to Taichang Shaoqing. Discussing the story of the emperor receiving the treasure, Jue said: "Tang Taizong and Emperor Ming both personally accepted orders from their fathers and did not perform the ceremony of enthronement again. Emperor Suzong was located in Lingwu, so Emperor Ming sent Wei Jiansu to enrol him to announce the government and the country. The seal was given by the ministers, and Emperor Dezong followed it, and later generations thought it was wrong.