I work in Yangzhou Hanjiang factory, and the factory doesn't pay wages. Now the government has promised to take measures if I don't return the results for a day.

If you don't pay, you can call 12333 to complain. This is the telephone number of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. You can also complain to the supervision brigade of the Labor Bureau. If the government does not send it out, it will only sue the court, which will make a judgment and then execute it.

Due to the company's failure to pay labor remuneration on time, the parties may apply for the dissolution of the labor contract and labor relationship and demand economic compensation. The parties may report to the local labor supervision administrative department or apply for labor arbitration.

Article 85 of the Labor Contract Law: In any of the following circumstances, the employer shall be ordered by the labor administrative department to pay labor remuneration, overtime pay or economic compensation within a time limit; If the labor remuneration is lower than the local minimum wage, the difference shall be paid; If the payment is not made within the time limit, the employer shall be ordered to pay compensation to the employee according to the standard of more than 50% 100% of the payable amount:

(1) Failing to pay workers' remuneration in full and on time in accordance with the stipulations of the labor contract or the provisions of the state;

(2) Paying workers' wages below the local minimum wage standard;

(3) Arranging overtime without paying overtime;

(four) the dissolution or termination of the labor contract, not in accordance with the provisions of this law to pay economic compensation to the workers.