What are the literature management tools?

Which software is most suitable for editing and managing references?

LaTeX: This software is specially used for typesetting scientific papers. Support complex typesetting requirements such as mathematical formulas, charts and references, which is very useful for people who need to write scientific papers. EndNote: This is a document management software that can help you manage and organize references and automatically generate a list of references.

Endnote came out earlier. With its excellent document management function, Endnote can be said to be the document management software with the largest number of users and the highest proportion in the market.

Domestic software NoteExpress and NoteFirst have done a good job, which can support Chinese documents well. However, NE still has some problems in dealing with the details of the national standard, for example, it can't automatically distinguish the Chinese Pinyin in English documents, and it can't automatically form a bilingual reference between Chinese and English.

NoteExpress is a domestic document management software, which is said to support Chinese documents and Chinese databases better than EndNote. There are also many users in China, but this software is commercial. Student version 198, permanent version 698 yuan.

Endnote is the oldest document management software. I'm just a beginner, so I don't comment. For Mendeley, I think it has two irreplaceable features: 1) The best PDF file management function at present, and its ability to capture the metadata of PDF files has surpassed that of Zotero at present (in early 2020).

Document management tools are also called.

Document management tools include Endnote, NoteExpress, Mendeley, Zotero and E-Study HowNet Research. The main function of Endnote is to create a personal reference library and add information such as text, images, tables, equations and links.

Zotero is an open source document management tool, which can easily collect, organize, quote and appreciate documents. It is funded by Andrew W Mellon Foundation, Si Long Foundation and American Museum and Library Service Association.

Three important tools for writing papers ① HowNet HowNet is the best website at present, and basically all the articles you want can be found through HowNet. This is the most official website, the database founded by Tsinghua University and Tsinghua Tongfang Company, and the most authoritative and lowest knowledge information base in China at present.

Mendeley (document management software) Mendeley is an open source cross-platform document management tool, and mendeleydesktop is a set of potential document management software.

What are the commonly used literature management tools?

Endnote came out earlier. With its excellent document management function, Endnote can be said to be the document management software with the largest number of users and the highest proportion in the market.

ZoteroZotero is an open source document management software. Zotero can be used as a browser plug-in. The local Zotero literature database can also be uploaded to Zotero's network server for free, and it is not limited by space size.

Multidisciplinary document management function: NoteExpress supports the management of multidisciplinary documents and has a unique virtual folder function. Label function: EndNote provides a simple label function. NoteExpress's tag function is relatively powerful, providing functions such as star mark, different priority, text tag cloud, etc.