After the sixth and seventh stages of typhoid fever, the sun, shaoyang, Taiyin and shaoyin enter Jueyin. At this time, "the pulse is slight, the hands and feet are cold", the pulse is extremely thin, and the hands and feet are cold and annoying. "If you don't return to Jueyin after moxibustion, you will die." Seeing that the patient's hands and feet are cold, it is reasonable to say that the yin is cold and the stomach function is not good, and the body is very weak. Therefore, the patient ".
Moxibustion can be used at Qimen, Zhangmen and five zang-organs points.
360, "typhoid fever", fever, diarrhea, syncope, dry heat can not lie down and die.
The patient has a cold and fever, and if the pulse is floating, there is no purgation, which is the exterior syndrome of typhoid fever. Today's "profiteering, rebellion" means that the internal cold is getting heavier and heavier, and the yang is coming out, so "dry can't lie down." Patients with liver cancer finally sat down and died, unable to lie down, and left in a week at most.
This argument also tells us: in the treatment of advanced cancer, don't attack, don't attack the stool, don't attack the urine, and let the yang turn.
36 1, "typhoid fever", the next benefit is great, never stop, die.
Not only should it be cold, but now I have a fever. My hands and feet are getting colder and colder, and it feels like ice, which means that Yang is dying. These are all death certificates.
362, typhoid fever, 67 days, and fever, sweating, death, yin without yang.
When yang leaves the body, it will "sweat like rain", and everything you eat will sweat, indicating that there are icebergs inside, and there is yin and no yang, so the prescription melts icebergs with hot medicine. Yin cannot be strong. Once powerful, if you can't even get drugs in, it's dangerous.
363, typhoid fever, five or six days, not fierce, full abdomen, weak pulse, syncope, unable to get down, this is blood death, next death.
Patients with blood loss and anemia have a weak stomach and weak pulse, so they can't attack. Because the source of blood is food, there is nothing in it, so they die quickly when they attack.
On June 34, I fainted because of a fever. On the seventh day, it was difficult to treat those who benefited from it.
The patient has a fever, cold hands and feet, and a strong yin. Yang does not enter yin, so it is beneficial. People who don't exercise or sweat are depressed in yang, and incontinence is a phenomenon of yang escaping.
365, typhoid fever, pulse count, hand and foot syncope, moxibustion.
If the pulse stops and your hands and feet are cold, you can use moxibustion. Cold hands and feet are insufficient stomach qi, so moxibustion can be used at acupoints such as wrist, Guanyuan or epigastric cavity.
Cold syndrome of syncope yin syndrome is weakened liver function. Like Shao Yin, the main purpose is to spit and benefit. If the syndrome of syncope is only pulse-driven, hand and foot syncope, and there is no vomiting or benefit, moxibustion can be used.
366. If the "typhoid" pulse slips and faints, there is heat in it, mainly "White Tiger Decoction".
Slippery pulse represents heat, which is true heat and false cold. Hot to the limit, cold into the bone marrow, there is heat in the room. White tiger soup: cracked tongue and large pulse. Although I am afraid of cold, my hands are very hot and my urine is yellow. 99% of White Tiger Decoction is used here, 1% is used for internal cooling and external heating, and it will heat up when it is extremely cold.