According to the report of China Medical Network, various departments are willing to tell the cause, and they can cure the disease without acupuncture and drugs. According to modern medicine, it belongs to psychology.
Zhuyouke has been included in thirteen departments of Taiyuan Hospital since Yuan Dynasty. The word "Zhu You" first appeared in medical books. The wishing method, including Chinese herbal medicine, is a method to treat diseases by means of spells, bans and so on. "May" curse, "By" causes disease. The concept of "wishing method" is very broad, including the forbidden method, incantation method, wishing method, symbol method, suggestion therapy, psychotherapy, hypnosis therapy, music therapy and so on. It's not just the hope that the disease will get worse. The cause of some diseases is very clear, but wishing can't be cured, which shows that wishing doesn't work, and it needs to be treated with prohibition, symbolism or medicine.