Biography of the characters
Duke Wen of Qi, surnamed Jiang, family name Lu, named Chi, was the son of Duke Li of Qi. Duke Li of Qi was mad and violent, and the people of Qi hated him. They contacted Duke Hu and Lu Jing's son to kill Duke Li. All the sons of Duke Hu died in the battle, and the people of Qi supported Duke Li's son Chi as Duke Wen of Qi. Duke Wen of Qi executed all the seventy people who participated in the killing of Duke Li.
After he became the king, he accepted his father's lessons and handled the state affairs carefully. The political situation of Qi gradually became stable, and the civil strife in Qi's office in the late Western Zhou Dynasty finally came to an end. After Lu Chi's death, he received a good posthumous title of "Wen" and was called Qi Wengong. Chronology of Major Events
815 BC, the 13th year of King Xuan of Zhou Dynasty, the 13th year of King Xuan of Qi Dynasty
808 BC, the 20th year of King Xuan of Zhou Dynasty, Guisi, the 8th year of King Wen of Qi
Marquis Mu of Jin took Qi's daughter as his wife.
804 BC, Ding You, the twenty-fourth year of King Xuan of Zhou, the twelfth year of Qi Wengong
Qi Wengong Lu Chi died, and his son Lu Tuo (according to one work) was established, which was Chenggong. (According to "Chronology of the Bamboo Book" and "The Family of Qi Taigong") Historical records
"Historical Records: The Family of Qi Taigong": In the twenty-sixth year, Duke Wu died, and his son Li Gongwuji was established. Duke Li was tyrannical, so Lord Hu returned to Qi. The people of Qi wanted to establish him, so they attacked and killed Duke Li. Mr. Hu also died in the battle. The people of Qi made Duke Li Chi their king, who was Duke Wen, and killed seventy of Duke Li's men. Duke Wen died in the 12th year, and his son Chenggong left the throne.