Whose book is the story of Gaul?

The author of Gaul War is gaius julius caesar, who wrote the first seven volumes of this book, which was published in 5 1 year BC. One of Caesar's assistant commanders, Hiltius, continued to write the eighth volume of this book, describing the war until 50 BC.

The Battle of Gaul, written by Caesar, has seven volumes and describes his experience in fighting in Gaul. From 58 BC to 52 BC, his deeds were written in a volume every year. ?

There have been two opinions about its writing process. Some people think that this is his annual written report to the Senate and the People's Assembly, so it is written in a volume every year. Some people think that he wrote it in the winter of 5 1 BC. ?

The first volume (58 BC) introduces the general situation of Gaul, the German attack on Gaul, Caesar's counterattack and the German rout in Visanti.

The second to sixth volumes respectively describe the conflicts and wars between Caesar and Gaul tribes, as well as two expeditions to Britain. ?

The seventh volume (52 BC) describes that Gauls used the civil strife in Italy to launch large-scale riots. Caesar returned to Gaul from Italy to pacify it, finally conquered alesia and captured its leader, Viltsin Getorix. ?
