Because sleepwalking is potentially dangerous. Talking in sleep: Revealing deepest secrets? In "Qiu Deng Cong Hua" written by Wang Zhi of the Qing Dynasty, there is such a record. The author translated it into vernacular as follows: "My tribesman so-and-so often gets up from bed and opens the door when he sleeps until midnight. He went out, walked around the village, and soon returned to the house to sleep again, but he didn't know it. Later, he and his relatives and friends were engaged in the maritime trade. Everyone was afraid that his previous problems would relapse, and he would fall asleep every time he slept on the boat. He was tied to the bed for a long time, but one night he was untied. He suddenly got up in his bedroom, opened the hatch, walked into the sea, and was swallowed up by the ocean." "My relatives hired a new servant named Li. When he went to bed at night, he would suddenly sit up from the bed, sing loudly, and then fall back to sleep after singing. Everyone asked him, but they only heard him snoring loudly, and had no idea at all. One night, the thief sneaked into the inner house and just climbed up the wall. Li suddenly jumped up from the bed and danced as if he was acting. The thief was shocked and fell off the wall when everyone heard the sound. He got up to check and caught the thief, but Li Mouyi was still singing loudly in his sleep. "The first story is about "Sleepwalking", and the second story is about "Sleeptalking". There are many such records in ancient books. The traditional view is that "sleepwalking" and "sleep talking" are a kind of "active dream". "Sleepwalking" is not a dream, but "sleep walking". The so-called "sleepwalking" refers to a person getting up from bed and wandering around in a state of obvious sleepiness. Although it can occur in people of any age (as long as they can walk), it is most common in children aged 6 to 12 years old, and less common in adults. Sleepwalking usually occurs in the first 1/3 of sleep, that is, within two to three hours after falling asleep. The duration of sleepwalking varies from person to person, ranging from just a few minutes to half an hour or 40 minutes. Children with sleepwalking tendencies often just get out of bed in a daze, repeatedly perform some stereotyped or purposeless actions, such as constantly pinching the quilt with their hands, and then fall back to sleep. However, a small number of adults and some have more "tricks" in their sleepwalking. They will get up from the bed and walk around. They may go to other rooms in the house or outdoors. Some simply walk around and may walk into the house. Other room movements, such as opening the door, getting dressed, moving furniture, and even driving (one case drove out while sleepwalking, and did not wake up until a car accident occurred.) The sleepwalker's eyes are open or half closed, But he appears to be lackadaisical and does not look around, but when encountering obstacles, he usually avoids them automatically. His movements were slow and stiff, a bit robotic. If he speaks, it is usually incoherent sleep talk. If you ask him "Where are he going?" or "What time is it now"? He usually won't answer your questions. There are no documented cases of anyone talking to a sleepwalker, but if you command him to "go back to bed," he will usually obey, go back to bed, and continue his sleep. If a swimming person is shaken vigorously to wake him up, he will often have a reaction of not knowing where he is after waking up. At the end of the sleepwalking period, sleepwalkers usually return to bed on their own and continue to sleep, but sometimes they fall down to sleep and wake up the next morning with a look of panic on their faces, not knowing why they slept here. What happened is no longer remembered. Sleepwalking has a family genetic tendency. Sleepwalking is more common in children and teenagers. According to statistics, 15% of children have at least one experience of sleepwalking, and about 1% to 6% of regular sleepwalkers. But when they grow up, It usually disappears automatically. Sleepwalking is less common in adults, but it is more chronic (recurrent), and almost everyone has experienced sleepwalking when they were children. Sleepwalking has a strong familial tendency, and males are more common than females. If one of the identical twins sleepwalks, there is a high chance that the other will also sleepwalk, indicating that sleepwalking may have a genetic factor. Someone reported that a couple and their four children were sleepwalking. One time at 3 o'clock in the morning, the whole family suddenly jumped out of bed and woke up. ⒊Awkward? Only then did the whole family wake up. Observations in sleep laboratories show that sleepwalkers are mostly "deep sleepers". After falling asleep, they sleep deeper than the average person, are more difficult to wake up, and have fewer dreams. Children with sleepwalking have higher rates of bedwetting and night terrors than normal children, and the rates of central nervous system infection, injury, and epilepsy are also higher than normal. Sleepwalking occurs when you are in deep sleep. Therefore, if you are too tired during the day, or sleep less in the previous few nights, or take sedatives or sleeping pills before going to bed, the deeper you sleep that night, the greater the chance of sleepwalking. Children's sleepwalking is mainly due to organic causes. Why does sleepwalking occur? The reasons may be different for children and adults. However, sleepwalking in most children may be related to the fact that the central nervous system has not yet fully developed. As mentioned before, sleepwalking usually occurs in the third and fourth stages of non-REM sleep. These two stages in a child's sleep cycle are longer. If the child's sleep enters this stage using brain waves, it will be removed from it. Pick him up in bed and let him stand, and he will automatically move around while still "sleeping". Bedwetting and night terrors in children also occur during this phase of the sleep cycle.
Therefore, sleepwalking, bedwetting, and night terrors in children may have organic causes and have less to do with psychological factors. Adult sleepwalking has more psychological factors. Adult sleepwalking is closely related to psychological factors. Most sleepwalking adults will mutter to themselves and make seemingly "meaningful" repetitive movements. Experts believe that these explicit words and deeds during sleepwalking are his inner thoughts. A hallucinatory re-experience of a past traumatic event. Sleepwalking is actually a state of mental dissociation. When we dream, although the words or actions that appear in the dream are just "pure imagination", we still have vague memories after waking up from the dream. Although the language and actions shown in the sleepwalking state are concrete, after waking up the sleepwalker, he does not have "the slightest memory." This difference seems to mean that sleepwalking and dreams belong to different categories of consciousness. Sleepwalking is reminiscent of "somnambulism" in "dissociative hysteria". A common feature of "dissociative hysterical neurosis" is that the person involved is "oblivious" to what happened during a certain period of time, and his loss of memory, according to psychoanalysis, is due to a A psychological repressive effect. Some of the sleepwalking in adults may be part of this type of dissociative hysteria. Sleepwalking is potentially dangerous. Wang Xian's tribe died because they were sleepwalking on a boat and ended up walking into the sea. Sleepwalkers move around and are potentially dangerous. Most people believe that sleepwalkers can walk on the windowsills of high-rise buildings without danger. This is not impossible, because sleepwalkers don’t know fear and can naturally walk on the ground. But if you are in such a dangerous environment, " Wake" him up and he may be "scared" enough to fall when he wakes up. Another situation is that when he is walking on the edge of a high-rise window, he sometimes puts his feet out of the window or hits the wall because he does not know fear. The consequences are unimaginable. Taves reported a 14-year-old boy who, while sleepwalking, got out of bed, looked in the refrigerator, then walked out the back door of his home onto the highway, where he was nearly hit by an oncoming car. Fortunately, I only suffered minor injuries. It may be too optimistic to think that a sleepwalker will never hurt himself or others. If you see a sleepwalker, it is best to do it before he has entered a dangerous environment. Just "wake up" him. Sleep talking rarely reveals innermost secrets. Sleep talking (talking in sleep) often occurs with sleepwalking, but sleep talking is not exclusive to sleepwalkers. It is more common than sleepwalking and occurs in both adults and children. Ancient books record that during the Three Kingdoms period, Lu Meng of Wu State was drunk once, fell asleep in the palace, suddenly opened his mouth and talked in his sleep, and recited the entire "Book of Changes" completely, and the people next to him listened. They were all very surprised. After Lu Meng woke up, everyone asked him what happened. Lu Meng said that he had just dreamed of chatting with Fu Yi, King Wen, and Duke Zhou, talking about the rise and fall of the country, astronomy and geography. Lu Meng felt that they were talking about the principles of the "Book of Changes", but they never used a sentence in the "Book of Changes". So he recited all the words of the I Ching to them. If this is true, then Lu Meng's sleep talk may be the longest and most clearly organized sleep talk in history. Lu Meng's sleep talking was actually part of his dream, so he remembered what he said in his sleep. However, according to the observations of sleep laboratories in various places, sleep talking can occur at any stage of the sleep cycle. Sleep talking does not necessarily mean that you are dreaming. Sleep talking is usually just a few words, without beginning or end, and it is difficult to understand what is being expressed. Therefore, it is called "dreams are not ulterior motives. Therefore, people who talk in their sleep at night can rest assured that sleep talking or sleep talking rarely reveals the secrets deep in their hearts."