What do you mean the sheep turned around?

Sheep running in circles is the innate instinct of artiodactyls. In addition to being in danger and defending against hunters, running in circles has another advantage: exercise.

In a cold winter, a sheep in the sheepfold felt cold and planned to run two steps to keep warm. Under the effect of "herding effect", the surrounding companions began to run with them, thus forming a collective activity of running in circles. After all, the venue is so big, there are so many sheep, and there are too many obstacles to running back and forth. It's best to run in circles.

The reason why a single sheep turns in circles:

This sheep is ill.

It is rare for flocks to circle collectively, but it is not uncommon for a single sheep to walk in circles.

If you see a sheep in a circle on the farm, it will push against the wall as if it is out of balance, then the sheep must be ill.

Careful observation shows that the sick sheep are spinning in circles, which is different from normal sheep when playing. Walking is stiff, staggered and uncoordinated.

The reason why sheep turn around is usually that there are parasites in their heads. There is a parasite called polycephalum. Sheep eat grass with eggs, and the multilocusts drill through the intestinal mucosa, enter the blood vessels and come to the brain with the blood. The disease of sheep infected with polycephalic cysts is called sheep brain echinococcosis.

Multicephalous cercaria can be parasitic in all parts of sheep brain, but the most common is parasitic in the left and right hemispheres of sheep brain. If metacercaria parasitizes the left brain and oppresses the optic nerve, it will lead to blindness in the left eye. At this time, the sheep can't see anything on the left, only the right eye can see the road on the right. It will go straight to the right and finally turn right into a circle.

The same is true in the opposite direction. If many locusts parasitize the right brain, the sheep will turn to the left.