Method for make pickled cabbage

The production method of rural sauerkraut is as follows:

1, the Chinese cabbage is picked and washed, and there are no rotten leaves. Break off the cabbage and wash it.

2, add water to the pot, there must be no oil in the pot, if there is oil, it is too easy to break.

3. Blanch the leaves in the pot. Don't burn it for too long, just 30 seconds.

4. Cool the scalded food a little, and cut it into silk if it is not scalded.

5. Shred the cabbage, spread it on the curtain and let it cool thoroughly.

6. After cooling, put the shredded Chinese cabbage into a transparent glass jar without water and oil and compact it.

7. Then sprinkle a layer of salt on it. Then a layer of cabbage, compacted, a layer of salt, and so on, filled the jar. The amount of salt, 40 kg of cabbage, put 3 Liang of salt, that is, the ratio is 4 g of salt/kg of vegetables.

8. After the jar is full, put a plastic bag on the jar mouth, then pour water into it, press the vegetables with a bag full of water instead of a stone mill, then screw on the bottle cap and put it in the shade for about 7 days. Don't put it in a hot place or a place with the sun, it is easy to break.