Only when the king established the country, he distinguished the right position, organized the country and the country, set up officials and divided their duties, and set up officials and divided their duties, so as to serve the people. At the beginning of autumn, the officials and bandits were ordered to command their subordinates and control the ban of the state to assist the king in punishing the state. The criminal officer belongs to:
The great Sikou is one of the ministers. Xiao Sikou and two middle-level officials. There are four judges and senior officials. Among the rural scholars, there were eight sergeants and six out of ten sergeants. Brigade, there are two corporals in the 30s, 6 in the government, 2 in the 10s, 2 in the 100s, and 20 disciples.
Suishi, there are two out of ten sergeants, two out of ten masters, historians, two out of ten assistants, and twenty out of ten disciples.
County officials, there are two sergeants in the thirty, eight in the government, six in the Shi, six in the Xu, and sixty in the disciples.
There are six alchemists out of ten, eight out of ten, six out of ten Shi, six out of ten Xu, and sixty disciples.
There are eight sergeants, four governors, eight historians, eight assistants, and eighty apprentices.
There are six sergeants, three governors, six historians, six assistants, and sixty disciples.
Simin, there are six sergeants, three governors, six historians, three assistants, and thirty apprentices.
There are two sergeants, one Fu, two Shi, two Xu and twenty apprentices.
Si La, two corporals, two Fu, two Shi and four disciples.
Si Yue, there are two corporals, one official, two historians and four disciples.
Simeng, there are two corporals, one Fu, two Shi and four disciples.
The salary includes two sergeants, four corporals, two government officials, four historians, eight assistants and eighty apprentices.
Si Li, two corporals, one Shi, and two apprentices.
The dog men include two corporals, one Fu, two Shi, four Jia, and sixteen disciples.
Si Wan, six sergeants, two corporals, three government officials, six historians, six assistants, and sixty apprentices.
The prisoners in charge include two out of ten corporals, six out of ten officials, two out of ten historians, and twenty out of ten disciples.
Palm killing, two corporals, one Shi, and two disciples.
There are two sergeants, two corporals, five governors, ten historians, twenty assistants, and two hundred disciples.
There are twenty people in a hundred.
There are twenty barbarians in a hundred.
There are twenty people in Fujian Li.
There are twenty people in Yili.
There are twenty people in a hundred.
Bu Xian, two sergeants, four corporals, two Fu, four Shi, four Xu, and forty disciples.
Killing is prohibited, two corporals, one Shi, and two disciples.
The Jinbao clan consisted of six corporals, three Shi, six Xu, and sixty disciples.
The Yelu clan has six corporals, two subordinates, and twenty apprentices.
Mr. Wa, four corporals and forty disciples.
Yong family, two corporals and eight disciples.
Ping's family, two corporals and eight disciples.
The Siyuan clan has two corporals and eight disciples.
Si Xuan's family has six corporals and two disciples.
Tiaolang clan has six corporals, six assistants and sixty disciples.
The Xiul family had two corporals, one Shi, and two disciples.
Ming clan, two corporals and eight disciples.
The Shu family has one corporal and four disciples.
The Xue clan has one corporal and four disciples.
The Yi family has eight corporals and twenty disciples.
Zha Shi, two corporals and twenty disciples.
The Nagi clan has one corporal and two disciples.
Jian family, one corporal and two disciples.
The Chihuan clan has one corporal and two disciples.
The Grasshopper family has one corporal and two disciples.
The Huzhuo family had one corporal and two disciples.
Tingshi, one corporal and two disciples.
The title is Mei, with two corporals and eight disciples.
The Yiqi family has one corporal and two disciples.
Daxingren, Zhongdafu two people.
A small traveler and four senior officials.
Master of Ceremonies, eight sergeants and six sergeants.
Xingfu, there are two corporals, four Fu, eight Shi, eight Xu, and eighty disciples.
The ring people include four sergeants, four historians, four apprentices, and forty apprentices.
Xiangxu, each Zhai, has one sergeant, two sergeants, eight corporals, and twenty disciples.
There are two sergeants, four corporals, one official, two scribes, two assistants and twenty disciples.
Zhang Jing, eight sergeants, two Fu, four Shi, four Xu, and forty disciples.
There are eight sergeants, two governors, four historians, and two disciples.
In charge of the inspection, there were eight sergeants, four historians and six disciples from all directions.
There are six out of ten corporals, four out of ten historians, and two out of thirty apprentices.
For the officials of each country, there were two sergeants, four corporals, one official, two historians, eight concubines, and twenty disciples.
In the capital, there was one sergeant, two corporals, one official, two historians, four concubines, and eighty disciples.
There are two sergeants, four corporals, two governors, four historians, four assistants and forty apprentices. The same goes for family members.
The post of Chief Secretary is in charge of the three laws of founding a country, assisting the king in punishing the country, and interrogating all directions. One is, to punish a new country, use light codes; the second is, to punish a country that is peaceful, use medium codes; the third is, to punish a country that is in chaos, use heavy codes. Five punishments are used to correct the people: the first is wild punishment, which is to correct one's strength; the second is military punishment, which is to correct one's command; the third is rural punishment, which is to correct filial piety; the fourth is official punishment, which is to correct one's ability; the fifth is state punishment. I am willing to correct the violence. Use the round earth to gather the teachings and dismiss the people. Anyone who harms others will be placed in the round earth to perform his duties. He will be punished and shamed. If he can change, he will turn against China and be despised for three years. Those who cannot change and come out of round soil will be killed. Use two doses to ban the people's lawsuits, put them in the beam and send them to the court, and then listen to them, use two doses to ban the people's prisons, and enter Junjin. After three days, he went to court and listened. The people are dismissed with the help of fine stones. All the people who have sinned and failed to comply with the law and harmed the state will sit on the fine stones and serve the officials. For serious crimes, there are three days of sitting in ten days, which is a period of service; secondly, there are nine days of sitting, which is a nine-month service; secondly, there are seven days of sitting, which is a seven-month service; thirdly, there are five days of sitting and a five-month service; for other crimes, there are three days of sitting and three months of service. If you serve in the state, you will be forgiven and given up. Use the lung stone to reach the poor people. If you are lonely, near or far, old or young, and have a desire to be restored to the superior, and if the elder has reached the Buddha, stand on the lung stone for three days. The scholar will listen to his words and complain to the superior, and offend the elder. The first month of the month is auspicious, and peace begins. Punishments are spread across the country, and the county punishes the elephant in the Wei Dynasty, so that all people can observe the punishment. Hold the sun and collect it. The great alliances of all countries are written in their alliance letters and posted in the Heavenly Mansion. The great historians, internal historians, ministers, and six officials all accept them and hide them. All prison lawsuits among princes shall be decided according to the state code. All prison lawsuits against officials will be settled according to state law. All the lawsuits brought by the common people bring harm to the country. For great sacrifices, dogs and animals are sacrificed; if sacrifices are made to the Five Emperors, on the day of abstinence, hundreds of officials will be summoned and hundreds of tribes will be abstained from. The same goes for Naheng, the day of the former king's sacrifice. Bless him with water and fire. The same goes for any pilgrimage, gathering, or funeral for the former king. A large army came to kill the society. The great events of every country make it belong to Qi.