Sima Niu said sadly, "Everyone has brothers, and I am the only one." Xia Zi (note: Shang Bo, the word Xia Zi) said, "The business community has heard that there is life and death, and wealth is in the sky. A gentleman treats others with courtesy, and all men are brothers within the four seas. Why don't gentlemen have brothers? "
To annotate ...
1 Death: None. ② Respect without losing: In Gongye Chang, Confucius once praised Yan Zi for "being kind to others and never forgetting it". Here, respect without loss means long-term respect for them.
Sima Niu said sadly, "Everyone has brothers, but I don't." Xia Zi said: "I have heard:' Life and death are predestined, and wealth is arranged by heaven.' A gentleman is (as long as) cautious and blameless, respectful and polite to others, and everyone is a brother. Why should a gentleman be sad without a brother? "