At ten o'clock in the evening of June 17th, the seventh year of Kangxi, a great earthquake happened. I'm a guest under the millet, and I'm drinking with my cousin Li under the candle. Suddenly I heard a thunderous sound coming from the southeast and northwest. Everyone was surprised and wondered what was going on. Soon the table shook, the glass fell, and the beams and columns of the house cracked. Everyone looked at each other and their faces changed greatly. It was a long time before I realized it was an earthquake and rushed out of the door. I saw the high-rise bungalow outside fall backwards, and the sound of people dying when the wall fell was intertwined with the crying of children and the wailing of women, and it was as noisy as boiling water. People are dizzy and unstable, sitting on the ground and rolling with the bumps on the ground. The river rose more than ten feet, and the crows of chickens and dogs spread all over the city. It took about an hour to settle down a little. Look at the street again. Men and women are naked together, can't talk, and forget that they are naked. Later, I heard that the well in a certain place was distorted by the earthquake and could not pump water; The balcony of the house has changed in the whole direction; Qixia Mountain cracked; There is a big hole in Yishui, which is several acres big. This is really an extraordinary disaster!