Mencius was born in sorrow and died in Enron Pinyin Edition.
Born in sorrow and died in happiness, Fu Shuo is raised in the building, fish and salt are raised in glue, a scholar is raised in Guan Yiwu, Sun Shuai 'ao is raised in the sea, and a hundred miles are raised in the city. Therefore, when the sky falls, people must first suffer their minds, their bones and muscles, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess around. Therefore, patience has benefited them a lot. People are unchangeable, and then they can change. Trapped in the heart, balanced in consideration, and then made; Color label, sound hair, and then metaphor. A country, if there are no ministers and wise men who can assist the king, will often be in danger of the collapse of its neighboring countries and the misfortunes from abroad. In this way, you will know that sorrow is enough to make people live and pleasure is enough to make people die. Shun was appointed from the field, selected from the plasterers who built the wall, the glue was carried out from the fish and salt vendors, Guan Zhong was released from the prison officials and hired as a photograph, Sun Shuai entered the court from the secluded seaside, and Prissy entered the court from the street. Therefore, God wants to give such people a great mission. He must first make his heart ache, make his bones and muscles tired, make him suffer from hunger, make him lack resources, make him unable to do things well, and disturb his heart, strengthen his character and increase his abilities that he does not have. A person often makes mistakes in order to correct them later; If you are upset and your thoughts are blocked, you can make a difference; A person's thoughts can only be understood if they are revealed on his face and expressed by chanting and sighing. There are no wise men who insist on statutes to assist kings at home, and there are no enemy countries and foreign invasions abroad, so countries often perish. In this way, people will understand that sadness and pain make people live and develop, while ease and enjoyment make people haggard and die. The Chinese version (suitable for students) was used by Yao Cong in the field, selected from the work of building walls, the glue was pulled out from the people who sold fish and salt, Guan Yiwu was released from the prison officer for use, Sun Shuaio was selected from the secluded seaside for use, and Prissy was redeemed from the slave market for use. Therefore, God will put a great responsibility on such people, so he must first make his mind miserable, his bones and muscles tired, his body hungry, his body poor and lacking, and his work obstructed and interfered, so as to stimulate his mind, make his temperament tough and increase his talents that he does not have. A person often makes mistakes in order to correct them later; Inner troubles and thoughts are blocked, and then they can rise; Show your anger on your face and spit out your resentment in your words, so that you can understand. There is no minister who abides by the statutes, and there is no wise man who can assist the monarch at home. If there are no comparable countries and foreign countries abroad, countries will often perish. Only in this way can we know that sadness and pain make people live and develop, while ease and enjoyment make people haggard and die. The version required by the exam is born of worry, dies of happiness, and is suitable for farming. Fu Shuo was selected from plasterers, and the glue was selected from merchants selling fish and salt. Guan Yiwu was dismissed as a prison officer and appointed. Sun Shuaio was promoted from the secluded seaside, and Prissy was redeemed from the slave market and was reused. Therefore, a great responsibility is falling from the sky. First of all, we should make him heartache, make him tired, make him hungry, make him down and out, and make him do something wrong. These will shake his heart, make his character tough and increase his talents that he didn't have in the past. People often make mistakes in order to correct them later; Confusion is blocked, then you can work hard; Show it on your face, express it in your voice, and then you can understand it. If there were no ministers to enforce the law and sages to assist the monarch, and no foreigners and foreign invasions, such countries would often perish. In this way, we can know that troubles and injuries make people develop, while ease and pleasure make people perish. Another version of Mencius said: "Shun worked in the fields since childhood, and was selected from the work of building walls, glue was selected from selling fish and salt, Guan Zhong was promoted to a prisoner, Sun Shuai was found from the seaside, and Prissy was redeemed from the market. Therefore, if God wants to land a great mission on someone, he must first temper his will, make his bones and muscles tired, make his body suffer from hunger and poverty, and make himself always unable to do things smoothly. This will shake his mind, strengthen his temperament and increase his talent. People always make mistakes before they can correct them. If you are depressed, you will be extremely anxious, and then you can work hard; Expressed in the face, expressed in the voice, and then understood. A country, which has no law-abiding ministers and auxiliary saints at home and no worries of countries with considerable influence abroad, is often easy to perish. It can be seen that people can live because of worry, or they can die because of comfort. "