Shu is from Dongyang, Wuzhou. The ground is cold, not with the scholar's teeth. Learning from the beginning is a warning. Being a guest in Jiangxia, our time has made it beautiful and unique, and we have won many reputations.
Yuanhe Zhongju Jinshi saw that there was a department to check the school, and tried to test Shangshu. Although all the tableware is made of water, charcoal and grease, they can get into the column and sit under the table. Because the book says: "The ancient Gong family is no less than this, and the prime minister has his roots. The husband's prime minister was not elected, but it was immoral to treat the people. Luo Ji disguised his treachery, but he didn't seek loyalty. Poetry and Fu is a micro-art, divorced from the classics, so it is not about viewing people's culture. I am afraid that the sage will be led away by humiliation, while the unscrupulous will be used by your majesty. Today, I pay tribute to Zhu Zhubei Jinyu, and there is a company that inherits Pibi. Why do you despise sages and spend a lot of money on jade evil? " He also said: "It is not appropriate to limit the number of scholars. Today, there are more than 30 companies, but less than 20. You have a holiday, you get 100 and I get 20. Can you call Qiu Cai? 18 years old, there are only a few people with both ability and political integrity, but they must get 20, and more than half of them are wrong. Is it true that they are qualified? "
Russia is a senior officer. He has a name. Pei Du table palm xing yuan minister, Wen Jian, at that time. Thanks to the supervision of the empire, it has been disintegrated according to deep harm. Move the foreign minister of the Ministry of Justice again.
Yuan Yu's conceit is unique, outstanding and enterprising. Yamato five years, also can't quote. The letter said to himself, "Ma Zhou and Zhang Dairen went to war, rebelled and died as famous ministers. Today, I am going to North Korea. Since Chen, whenever there are different reports, I secretly declare that I am not late Zhou and Jia Zhen, but I have no reason to enter and show my status. It's also the time when I finally stopped vibrating. Han Zhufu Yan, Yan, Yan 'an wrote a letter with cloth and called at dusk. I wrote 80,000 words, the essence of which has been practiced for thousands of years. Some people can assist in education, such as pulling out the horns of rhinoceroses and the teeth of elephants. Is it comparable to Zhu Fu? It is hard to meet when you are prosperous, but it is hard to meet when you cherish it. "Literati have books, he self-excited, prime minister. Because of his impetuousness and ignorance, Li Zongmin changed to A Lang and divided it into the East Capital.
"Yuan Yu" is a peony fu, which is called its work. After his death, the emperor looked at the peony and chanted Fu beside the temple, weeping for it.
(selected from "New Tang Shu Zhuan")
4. For the broken sentences with wavy lines in the following article, the correct sentence is (3 points).
A. Yuan He Zhong/introduced scholar/checked by the company/tried the Book of History/although water, charcoal and oil torches were used as tableware/everyone took responsibility/got it according to the official claim/
B. Yuanhe Zhongju/Jinshi saw a company to check and correct/try/Shangshu although water, charcoal and grease burned tableware/everyone was responsible/the official advocated his name/was admitted/
C. Yuanhe Zhongju/Jinshi seeing the teacher/checking the history of the test/although the water, charcoal and grease tableware/everyone takes responsibility/officials advocate fame/
D. Yuan He Zhong/Kao Jinshi/Jian Ke/Cha Jiao/Try Shangshu/Although water, charcoal, grease and torch tableware/Everyone can be an official/Once he claims his name, he will enter/
5. The following explanation of the relevant content of adding words in the text is incorrect (3 points).
A. "Bi" refers to the steps of the palace, and "Your Majesty" originally refers to the waiter standing under the steps, and later gradually evolved into a title of respect for the emperor when the minister met the emperor face to face.
B "Gao Di" refers to both the excellent performance of officials and the excellent performance of students in imperial examinations. According to the context, it can be inferred that "Gaudi" in the text is the latter.
C "darkness" and "new moon" refer to the first day and the last day of the lunar calendar respectively. "Hui" and "Shuo" are used together, sometimes referring to a month, sometimes referring to the alternation of Yin and Yang, and "Hui Shuo" in this article refers to the former.
D "Yuan Wailang" is one of the official positions in ancient China, which originally refers to a Langguan outside the official position. In the Sui Dynasty, there was a foreign minister in each of the twenty-four divisions of Shangshu Province, who was the second official of each division, and the Tang and Song Dynasties followed its system.
6. The following analysis and summary of the relevant contents of the original text are incorrect (3 points).
A. Shu is very appreciative. When he lived in Jiangxia, our ambassador Xi Shimei mentioned his name many times. When he was a county commandant, Pei Du recommended him in the above table; Scholars admire his conceit and enthusiastic spirit.
B.shu is very literary. His prose is full of charm and is highly praised by contemporary people. He wrote a poem "Peony Fu", which was so exquisite that the emperor was moved to tears after reading it.
C. Shu Yuanyuan is conceited. He sent his articles to the imperial court, thinking that his talents were not worse than those of Ma Zhou and Zhang, but he never had a chance to give full play to his talents.
D. Shu actively advises. When he went to Shangshu Province to take the exam, he told the imperial court not only to get justice for the students who took the exam, but also to express his views on the talent selection and ability of the imperial court.
7. Translate underlined sentences into modern Chinese. (10)
(1) A husband, a prime minister or a minister is not a virtuous man, but the minister regards him as a servant, which is why he is a virtuous man.
(2) There are very few talented people at the age of 20, but they must get 20, and more than half of them have problems. Can you say they are qualified?