Original text:
Mencius met Liang. Wang Li was on the marsh, herding moose, and said, "Is the sage happy? Mencius said to him: saints have fun, while saints have fun. "Poetry" says:' The Lingtai started, then the camp, and Shu Ren attacked it, but it failed for several days. Don't be anxious from the beginning, the common people will come. Wang Zailing, Rufen Fuyou, Rufen Zhuozhuo, Bai Niao Crane.
Wang is in Lingnuma. He jumps into the fish. King Wen takes people's power as a platform. When people are happy, they call it platform Lingtai, swamp spirit powder, elk, fish and turtle, and they are happy. The ancients enjoyed themselves with the people, so they could enjoy themselves. Tang Shi said:' Time hurts? Give it to the woman and die together. "People want to die with it, although there are birds and beasts in the pool, why enjoy themselves?
Mencius visited Liang. Standing by the pond, Liang looked around at the wild geese, elk and other birds and animals, and said, Do sages also enjoy it? Mencius replied: only the wise can enjoy this kind of happiness, and even if the wicked have it, they will not feel happy.
The Book of Songs says: Zhou Wenwang began to build high platforms and deep pools, and all the people came to work. It took only a few days to build it. Zhou Wenwang is also uneasy about the rapid progress of the project, and people are very willing to work for him voluntarily in return for his kindness. In Zhou Wenwang, birds, animals, fish and turtles all live happily in the gardens of Lingkou and Lingbog. People call his platform Lingtai and his pond Lingfen, and everyone likes these deer platforms and fish ponds.
Only when the ancient monarchs shared happiness with the people could they enjoy real happiness. The history book says: Shang Tang asked: Why can't this kind of disaster befall our people? His people said: Because you can bear this disaster with us. People really want to share this disaster with Shang Tang! Even if there are tall houses and gardens and precious birds, animals, fish and turtles, how can one enjoy them alone?
Classical Chinese learning method:
1. Reading classic works: through reading classic works, cultivate your interest and sense of language in classical Chinese, and help you understand and master the expression of classical Chinese.
2. Understand the structure and content of the text: In the preview process, you can understand the structure and content of the text by consulting notes and using reference books. For temporarily incomprehensible words and sentences, we can guess and infer with the help of reference books (such as Dictionary of Common Words in Ancient Chinese) and context.
3. Inductive accumulation of knowledge: When reviewing after class, we should pay attention to inductive accumulation of knowledge, including interchangeable words, polysemy, ancient and modern different meanings, special sentence patterns and so on. You can consolidate your learning achievements and deepen your understanding of classical Chinese by doing exercises and sorting out notes.
4. Cultivate interest in classical Chinese: Learning classical Chinese is not only to cope with exams, but also a process of discovering, discovering and appreciating beauty. You can improve your interest and understanding of classical Chinese by reading classical Chinese novels, essays, poems and other works.