The reason why the Hong Kong Marine Police arrested triads is that triads generally only bribe people who are useful to them, such as the police in their own jurisdiction.
Marine police patrol the sea, suppress smuggling and crack down on smuggling. They have little contact with the underworld, and the underworld is not willing to spend that money to bribe them.
Independent Commission against Corruption (ICAC); English: ICAC (Hong Kong Independent Commission against Corruption), Portuguese: Comissariado contra a Corrupcao, CCAC (Macao Independent Commission against Corruption) aims to combat corruption and promote honesty, and adopts the methods of prevention, education and investigation.
The establishment of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in Hong Kong and Macao has truly ushered in the golden age of honesty, successfully realized the historic transformation from chaos to governance, and become one of the most honest regions recognized in the world.
ICAC in Hong Kong solved the case like a god, and repeatedly brought down senior officials, making corrupt elements frightened. Its anti-corruption experience has attracted global attention, and its anti-corruption model has also been imitated by global anti-corruption agencies. It can be said that accurate functional positioning, reasonable system design, strict legal provisions and scientific procedural guarantees have laid a solid foundation for Hong Kong to become a "clean brand".
ICAC 1997 advertising display "brilliant";
"There is nothing wrong with making money. What is wrong is how you make money. Fairness does not mean that everyone earns 100 yuan. Fairness means that if you have the ability to earn one hundred yuan, you can earn one hundred yuan; If you have 20 yuan's ability, you can earn 20 yuan. This is fairness. Maybe you earn more money than me today, but if I am more talented than you, I will earn more money one day. "