Meng Changjun is a noble of Qi, whose name is Tian Wen. In order to consolidate his position, he specializes in recruiting talents. He took in all the people who defected to his door and provided for them. Such people are called doormen and diners. It is said that there are 3000 diners in Meng Changjun's family. Many of them actually have no skills, just making a living.
When Meng Changjun went to Xianyang, he took a large group of public guests. Zhao Xiang, the king of Qin, greeted him personally. Meng Changjun presented a pure white fox robe as a gift. Xiang of the state of Qin knew that it was a very precious silver fox skin and was glad to hide it in the museum.
Xiang of Qin originally wanted to be the prime minister, but someone said to him, "Tian Wen is an aristocrat of Qi, and his men are many. When you become prime minister, you must think of Qi first. Isn't Qin in danger? "
Xiang of Qin said, "Then, let's send him back."
They said, "He has lived here for many days and knows the state of Qin like the back of his hand. How can he be released easily? "
Zhao Xiang, king of Qin, put Meng Changjun under house arrest.
Meng Changjun is very worried. He found that the king of Qin had a favorite concubine around him, so he asked her for help. The princess sent a message: "it is not difficult for me to talk to the king." I just want a silver fox fur robe. "
Meng Changjun consulted with his servants and said, "I have given this to the king of Qin. How can I get it back? "
One of the doormen said, "I have an idea."
That night, the doorman entered the palace in the dark, found Neiku and stole the fox fur.
Meng Changjun gave this fox fur to Qin's favorite concubine. When the concubine got the fur coat, she persuaded Zhao Xiang, the king of Qin, to release Meng Changjun. The king of Qin really agreed, issued customs clearance documents and sent them back.
Meng Changjun got the file and hurried to Hangu Pass. He was afraid that the king of Qin would go back on his word, so he changed his name and the name on the document. It's time to close the door, just in the middle of the night. According to the rules of the state of Qin, every morning, people are not allowed to be released before the cock crows. Just as everyone was looking forward to the dawn with a sad face, suddenly a janitor picked up his nose and imitated the crow. One after another, all the cocks nearby crowed.
The gatekeeper heard the cock crow, opened the gate, checked the customs documents and let Meng Changjun out.
Zhao Xiang, the king of Qin, really regretted it and sent someone to Hangu Pass. Meng Changjun has already left.
Meng Changjun returned to Qi and became the prime minister of Qi. There are even more diners under his door. He divided the guests into several classes: the first-class guests went out by car and horse, the ordinary guests ate fish, and the inferior guests could only eat coarse grains and vegetarian dishes. An old man named Feng Gui (Wen Feng) was so poor that he couldn't live any longer, so he plunged into Meng Changjun Gate and became a diner. Meng Changjun asked the person in charge: "What skill does this person have?"
The steward replied, "He said he was incompetent."
Meng Changjun smiled and said, "Leave him."
The steward knows Meng Changjun's meaning, so he treats Feng Gui as a waiting person. A few days later, Feng Gui knocked his sword on the post and sang, "Long sword, let's go home, there is no fish for dinner!" " "
Meng Changjun and Meng Changjun, who are in charge of the report, said: "Give him fish to eat and do it according to the food of ordinary customers!"
Five days later, Feng Gui played the sword again and sang: "Long sword, let's go home, there is no car when we go out!" " "
Meng Changjun listened and said to the person in charge: "Prepare a car for him and treat him as a good guest."
Five days later, Meng Changjun asked the flight attendant Mr. Feng what he thought. The township head replied, "He is singing again, saying that he has no money to support his family."
Meng Changjun asked, knowing that Feng Gui's family had an old lady, and he sent someone to give her some food and clothes. Now, Feng Gui really stopped singing.
Meng Changjun has raised so many civil servants that his salary alone is far from enough. He lent money and collected interest from the people in his fief Xuecheng (now southeast of tengxian) to maintain the huge expenses of his family.
One day, Meng Changjun sent Feng Gui to Xuecheng to collect debts. When Feng Gui left, he said goodbye to Meng Changjun and asked, "What do you want to buy when you come back?"
Meng Changjun said, "You can buy what my family lacks."
When Feng Gui arrived in Xuecheng, he called all the debtors together and asked them to take out the bonds and count them. People are worried that they will not be able to pay off these debts, but Qian Feng wrongly spread Meng Changjun's decision in public: those who don't pay off their debts will be exempted.
People with a grain of salt, Feng Gui simply lit a fire and burned the bonds.
Feng Gui rushed back to Linzi and told Meng Changjun about the debt collection. Meng Changjun was very angry: "You burned all the bonds. What do my three thousand people want to eat? "
Feng Gui said unhurriedly, "When I left, didn't you say that you would buy whatever was missing here? I don't think you lack anything else here. What you lacked was the friendship of the people, so I bought it back. "
Meng Changjun said unhappily, "Forget it!"
Later, Meng Changjun became more and more famous. Zhao Haoqi of Qin was very worried when he heard that Qi reused Meng Changjun. He secretly sent people to the State of Qi to spread rumors that Meng Changjun had won the hearts of the people and was about to become the king of Qi. Hearing these words, King Qi Min thought that Meng Changjun's reputation was too great and threatened his position, and decided to take back Meng Changjun's seal. Meng Changjun was removed from his post and had to return to his fief, Xuecheng.
At that time, most of the more than 3,000 customers were scattered, and only Feng Gui followed him and drove him to Xuecheng. When his chariots and horses were hundreds of miles away from Xuecheng, I saw Xuecheng people, old and young, coming to meet him.
Seeing this scene, Meng Changjun was deeply moved. He said to Feng Gui, "I just saw the friendship you bought me in the past."
It's a little long I will help you find it again.
I found another one. It's still a little long. Please refer to.
Honesty and Politeness —— Yan Zhaowang pursues virtue.
Since Meng Changjun was removed, Qi Min and Chu Weiwang destroyed the Song State and became more arrogant. He was bent on annexing the nations and came to heaven himself. Gal, governors of all countries are not satisfied with him; Yan, especially the northern part of Qi, was bullied by Qi and wanted revenge. Yan is a big country. Later, it spread to kuài, and after listening to the bad guys' ideas, he actually learned the legendary method of Yao Shun's abdication and gave the throne to Xiangguozi. General Yan and Prince Ping attacked the son, and the state of Yan was in chaos. In the name of pacifying the civil strife in Yan State, Qi State entered Yan State, and Yan State almost perished. Later, the soldiers and civilians of Yan made the prince the monarch, rose up and drove the army of Qi out.
Prince Ping acceded to the throne, that is. He made up his mind to make Yan strong. He made up his mind to find talents to govern the country, but he didn't find the right person. He was reminded that Guo Kun, an old minister, was quite knowledgeable, so it was better to ask him.
Yan Zhaowang personally went to see Guo Kun and said to him, "I will never forget the humiliation of Qi invading us during the civil strife in our country. But now Yan's national strength is weak, and it is not yet possible to avenge it. If a wise man comes to avenge me, I would rather wait on him. Can you recommend such talents? "
Guo Kun touched his beard and said thoughtfully, "I don't know whether to recommend ready-made talents." Please allow me to tell a story first. " Then, he told a story:
In ancient times, there was a monarch who liked swift horses. He sent people everywhere to look for it, but he couldn't find it for three years. A courtier found a precious swift horse somewhere far away and told the monarch that he could buy it back by giving him 1200 gold. The monarch was very happy and sent his courtiers to buy it with 1200 gold. Unexpectedly, when the courtiers arrived, Maxima had died of illness. The courtiers thought it was not good to go back empty-handed, so they took out half the gold they brought and bought the horse bones back.
The courtiers presented the horse bones to the monarch, who was furious and said, "I want you to buy a live horse." Who asked you to spend money to buy back the useless horse bones? " The courtier said unhurriedly, "People have heard that you are willing to spend money to buy a dead horse, and you are afraid that no one will send a live horse?"
You presided over the skepticism and no longer blamed the courtiers. As soon as the news spread, everyone thought that the monarch really loved swift horses. Within a year, several swift horses were sent from all directions.
After telling this story, Guo Kun said, "Your Majesty must be thirsty for talents. It is better to try me as a horse bone."
Yan Zhaowang was greatly encouraged. After he came back, he immediately sent someone to build a very exquisite house for Guo Kun to live in and worshipped Guo Kun as his teacher. When the world's talents heard that they were sincerely recruiting talents, they ran to Yan to inquire. One of the most famous is Zhao. Yan Zhaowang worshipped Le Yi as Yaqing and asked him to rectify the state affairs.