Cold dew in the twenty-four solar terms

Cold dew, September Festival. Dew and cold air will condense.

At first, Hongfu was a guest. Guest, guest also. The first to arrive is the Lord, and the last to arrive is the guest. The cover will be the best. Those who arrive first in the Mid-Autumn Festival are the guests, and those who arrive after the Mid-Autumn Festival are the guests. The general book is written for waterfront, waterfront and water. Cecilia Yip.

Second, sparrows enter the water and become clams. There are different kinds of finches and birds. This is a yellowbird. Flood, the sea also. "Mandarin" larks enter the sea as clams, and the cold wind is severe. When they enter the sea, they become clams. This fly has become a potential object. Meretrix meretrix is also a small clam.

Third, chrysanthemums have yellow flowers. All the plants and trees are in the sun, only chrysanthemums are in the shade. Therefore, the flowers of peach and tung are indifferent to color, only the words of chrysanthemum. Its color should be in the season and autumn when the soil is flourishing.