Buying the original can avoid buying the abridged version. If you buy books online, you should read the book reviews first. Generally, yo
Buying the original can avoid buying the abridged version. If you buy books online, you should read the book reviews first. Generally, you can choose some merchants with high evaluation or large sales volume to see who has high praise rate, and then contact customer service to see if the content has been deleted. There are many things in the physical book that can't pass the exam. It is normal to delete it, and the content of the published book will be more standardized. Physical books refer to books that have been published and can be bought by readers in bookstores. Some people still like the touch, weight and fragrance of books. Its user interface has been developed for centuries. For some people, it is a pleasant experience to open the thick cover and then listen to the sound of the spine rubbing against the pages.