What is the format of double slash in the rules of reference description?

00 According to the national standard "Description Rules of References after Articles" (GB/T 77 14-2005), monographs are separated from precipitated documents with double diagonal lines, that is, the documents before double diagonal lines come from monographs after double diagonal lines.

00 description format: principal responsible person of precipitation document, title of precipitation document [document type tag], other principal responsible person of precipitation document//principal responsible person of monograph, monograph title, edition item, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, page number of precipitation document [citation date] and access path.

00 example:

00[l] Cheng Genwei. 1998 causes of floods in the Yangtze river and countermeasures for disaster reduction [M]// Xu houze, Flood disaster in the yangtze river basin and scientific and technological countermeasures. Beijing: Science Press, 1999:32-36.

00[2] Chen Jinxian, Zhang Huimin, Zhu Shixing, et al. Study on Sinian seabed strata in Jixian County [M]// Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences. Sinian in China. Tianjin: Tianjin Science and Technology Press,1980: 56-114.

00[3] Bai Shunong. Study on Plant Flowering [M]// Li Chengsen. Advances in plant science. Beijing: Higher Education Press,1998:146-163.

00[4] Marx. Explanation of the report on wages, prices and profits [M]// Marx and Engels. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels: Volume 44. Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1982:505.

00[5] Zhong Wenfa. The application of nonlinear programming in the allocation of flammable poisons [C]// Zhao Wei. Theory and Application of Operations Research: Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of China Logistics Society. Xi 'an: xidian university Publishing House, 1996:468-47 1.

00[6]WEINSTEIN L, Swertz M n. Pathogenic characteristics of invasive microorganisms [M] //SODEMAN W A, Jr., SODEMAN W A. Pathophysiology: the mechanism of disease. Philadelphia: Sanders, 1974:745-772.